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A Poem

Just hours after you left my place
A dreaded silence fell
In my arms the burden of feeling like a disgrace
In my head a a pain from hell

You helped me up through whatever it was
You brought me down to the ground
To let me rest and relax because
You saw that I wasn't ready for another round

You are the light my eyes need adjusting to
You are the first thought in the morning
You are the one that keeps me in the loop
My life with you will never be boring

These simple words don't describe the noises you make
Said noises that saved my life
These noises in fact made me able to escape
The worry of getting hit by Death's scythe

Those noises reassured me
Loved me and adored me
They held me and kept me
Up on my feet

Those noises they whispered
Concluded and listened
They helped me untwist it
My head was at ease

Now no one's here
to understand what it's like
To live a life like ours
With love on the other side

Now no one's here
To understand the way you do
I'm scared, yes I fear
That the silence is due

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