Tea Time

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A Short Story

That mall in Sandvika is absolutely huge, but I've already grown quite familiar with it in the two times you held my hand in it.
It's your favorite mall, and it has quite cool stores, and even though it's big, it has a cosy feel to it. The second time around, we had to get bubble tea... Boba? Just reminds me of boobs. Either way that tea is not nearly as good as your boobs, but hey, I definitely wasn't complaining.
So we stood in front of a screen where you could put together your tea. I just let you go ham with it as I had no idea what would be good flavors together. We ordered the same very colorful looking tea with purple and pink fluid with lots of colorful balls.
I wasn't sure what to think of it, but it looked good. When we had our tea, we giggled like two little kids, holding hands, and trying to find a place to sit down.

We went down an escalator, where we found a bench right next to it. We charged toward it and practically bombed the bench with our bodies in fear of anyone else suddenly squatting down before us. Mission accomplished.
We grabbed our super cool straws, and you guided me on how to stab through the plastic on top. Very weird. You did it on the first go... Maniac. Anyways, we took a sip and you let out a cute "mmm!" You grabbed my face and smiled.
"It's very good," you said excitedly.
"Yes. It's super sweet though," I replied, trying to stop my face from making faces due to the overwhelming amount of sugar. But it was very good nonetheless. I liked the lil' fruits.
We sat on that bench for quite some time, and we talked about everything. We smiled lots and giggled more. I imitated a VSCO girl... I mean, how could I not? I had the tea, the attitude, the sas, and dare I say even the looks and dump truck. But I had to. You tried to stop me from cringing you out, spoiling all my fun. Very mean. We also judged strangers. A lot. It was very justified. You told me how bad your resting bitch face was, but never have I ever seen anything like the attitude on the faces of Norwegian people. Do I like these people? If making fun of them equals liking them, yes. If not, no. They're all a bunch of self centered, status licking, celery eating, rakfisk smelling, grumpy looking, Chlamydia havin' basic ass, Tesla driving, "rich-but-no-personality" type of, nationalistic, incest praising, cock dancers, who can't cook if their life depended on it (it would be fine if everyone cooked like my sweet little princess), smile if they had to, not judge others, and they always seem to be so self entitled they genuinely cringe from themselves, but they have to keep it up because of their status. Or maybe they don't cringe because of their pride... Ah well. Either way, they're human, too, I think. Even though it's a cool country, the people kind of ruin it. It's like finding a cool movie but the fanbase is toxic, woke, and cringe.
Enough Norwegian slander for the day. But that's practically how you and I judging the Norwegians went. And it was so much fun. All things are fun with you. I bet we could make fishing... Nevermind.

So we still sat there, and slowly you went down to lean on my shoulder. Very cute. But we had to get up and going again, which was kind of sad. We took our tea and got to walking. We bought some flowers, a cake shape thing for baking cakes in a perfect shape, and the well feared dough scraper. It scrapes dough like no other kitchen utensil. It's flat, but thick. Rubbery, but smooth. Sturdy, but flexible. And best of all? It can scrape dough, and smack the fuck out of furries if applied correctly. So we bought some stuff, and it was quite wholesome. Holding hands, giggling while flexing on other people that we're seemingly the only happy people in Norway, and just having a good time with each other. It was so nice to do, and I loved every second of it. Any second when you smile is a second that I feel alive. Even when you cry I know I'm living. I feel alive through you, and those feelings intensify when I'm physically around you. I love you.

Eventually we escaped the mall and went back to your place. You fell into my arms, and we decided to go up to our room and lay down for a bit. We had a lil' crying and cuddling session due to overstimulation before you fell dead asleep into my arms. I laid there, thinking how lucky I was to have you while also being so scared to lose you. At some point, you lost the blankets, so I put them back on you and softly tucked you in. At that moment, you curled up against me and let out a little "hmm" out of relief, and I melted. I completely melted. My heart beat so fast it almost hurt, and the butterflies went all the way to my head. I've never fallen asleep with my ribcage and stomach filled with that much love.

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