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A Short Story

There I sat. On a train. I remember it clear as day... For as clear as it was. It looked quite foggy and grey actually. Eventually, I arrived at the airport. It wasn't a long ride. It felt quite short. My grandma and grandpa had texted me, they found it really fun that you were coming here this time. I sat on a bench, my tummy rumbled. I wasn't sure if this was me being nervous or hunger... I suspected both. I had eaten crackers that morning actually. Sure, it wasn't much, but I forgot to get bread. Either way, you and I were going to meet again. For a third time now, which is absolutely insane considering the circumstances. I loved this. I loved this from the beginning. I got to travel the world, and have a girl doing that with me. Not just any girl, mind you. This is my girl. My girl is special.
She's kind and caring. Even going as far as to care for those who she dislikes.
She's cute and adorable. Everything she does. Every single thing. She always manages to make my heart skip two beats.
She's honest and loving. Never have I received and felt as much love as from her.
She's classy and sophisticated. This girl was not just a girl. It was a woman whom I have the utmost respect for.
But most important of all, she was perfect. In every aspect. Down to the most microscopic structures in her physical appearance, and up to the highest brightness her love can make me feel. And I'm meeting her again.

I sat on that bench, which I've started to emotionally bond with, waiting for the time to pass. I have once planked for three minutes straight. This felt longer. I remembered I almost missed my train this morning. You see, I had to go at 7:38 am. It was 6:45 when I decided to just go to the toilet. I zoned out, and suddenly it was 7:31. So I raced to the train station, saw the train come in, and sprinted toward it. I've never sprinted faster in my life. But of course, I made it. Just my luck, right?
It was just a couple of minutes now. There are a lot of armed guards at the moment, I suppose just patrolling. Oh well, who knows. In about 25 minutes I'll see her again. I just know that that hug we'll have will be perfect, like every time.

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