Promises Are Bought In Amsterdam

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A Short Story

It was our second day in Amsterdam. You were definitely more comfortable when we got there this time, you even seemed to care less about all the people around you. It was great to see, honestly. I loved it a lot. We got there by train, of course, and the train ride was nice as usual. You even seemed to like our train rides, which is great because I got more in store where that came from. Eventually we got out of the train and out of the station, and you and I both know what the first thing that hit us in the face was. The notorious staple of Amsterdam, the smell of weed. Both of us don't smoke or drink, so we were just there to taste the culture. And well, the smell was so bad you could actually taste it.

We were walking hand in hand and not letting go because the moment you'd let for you'd just get lost in the crowd. It wasn't as busy as the first day, but in Amsterdam, nobody moves aside or they move aside so exaggeratedly that they still manage to bump into you. I told you about some stuff I haven't told you about the first time, like about that one Dutch Fries shop which was very very popular and how there was an identical one that didn't get any clients whatsoever. We went to the New Yorker because I thought it was a pretty cool shop. We walked around and headed to the lingerie section because over there there was a Stitch shirt that you bought and I absolutely fell in love with, too, so I had to have that as well. Matching clothes. We're such a quirky couple... Probably unironically... Maybe not, I don't know. Anyways. So we also looked at some lingerie, and you pointed out that I didn't look as awkward as other couples, to which I thought "Well duh, I'm gonna fuck you in this, might as well help pick something haha." And so we got you some... Stuff... Ahem. And we went back up. I looked through some clothes for myself and saw a pair of camouflaged cargos. I loved them a lot, but didn't want to get them because I wasn't sure if I'd have enough left. I told you I might wanted to return to the store at the end of the day to get them, and you smiled and nodded.

A little later, we headed into the Bijenkorf because I thought it was a pretty cool store, just for me to realize now that I have a girlfriend, I will get dragged through the make-up section because that's absolutely essential.
Fun fact about me and make up, when I was little, I absolutely detested make up. I thought it ruined your face and made everyone just look bad and fake. So I kinda swore to never date someone that wears even the slightest bit of make up. Oh how times have changed.
Anyhow, we were standing at the make up section, looking at each other, laughing like two idiots, and bumping into people.
And then you started to get hangry...

Time to get food. And we both agreed to one place we've found to be quite special to us. KFC. Of course. We got into the KFC, ordered a bucket and lots and lots of sauces, went up, and ate. You sat by a window seat, which made it a little more romantic, haha. Slowly but surely, with every bite you took, your bright smile started to show again. Your bubbly personality and the butterflies in your eyes sparkled like no other again. From the hangry little steam emitting locomotive you turned back. Good times.
We ate most of the bucket and then put it in a small tiny bag before heading out back to the Bijenkorf where you decided to get some expensive make up thingies. Me having no idea what they were just stood there while you were asking the questions to the grey haired lady. The lady eventually notified us on our freckles, so we looked at each other then back at her and smiled like two idiots in love again. And when we walked away with your products, we just kept talking about how we are the perfect couple and have the best features and are always on point and overall look great. I absolutely loved it.

A little later we were just trying to find you some clothes, but we got into a jewelry shop, and once and for all, I wanted to find out your ringsize because I couldn't fathom that it was 59 like you told me. So the lady measured your ring finger, and it came out 52½. Hah. I knew it. Not the size... But like... Yeah okay, anyways. I basically told you to "get the fuck out" in the nicest way possible, because I was gonna find you something that you've been kinda waiting for. It was a very sudden decision, but I'm glad I made it, because when you got out, and I looked around for a bit, I found the perfect ring. The perfect promise ring. There were only three left, so I asked the lady to come help me, and bam, there was just one left in the perfect size. I loved it, I had to have it. I just had to. So the lady packed my ring and asked, "It's for your girlfriend, huh?"
I smiled like a dumbass, I couldn't help it. I just said, "Yes it is!"
"Are you guys from here?"
"She's from Norway, yeah, so that's great," I replied, still smiling.
"Ohh, so it's long distance, huh?"
"Yeah, and it's so worth it!"
So we then talked a bit about Norway in itself, and then she said, "Well I wish the two of you good luck."
I smiled and skipped out of the store with a very cool ring for you, packed and in my pocket.

Since we were supposed to meet up somewhere, but we didn't really know where that should've been, we just called. So we found each other at the New Yorker, and you came out with a very bright smile, too. You bought me the pants that I looked at earlier that day. That was so sweet of you, I loved it so much. And they fit perfectly, too. I loved it I loved it I loved it!
And the best part, you got yourself something, too! I was so proud of you for getting yourself something nice. It was a good day all in all.

When we got back with the train, my mom told me on the phone that my entire family was at home, so it was quite crowded, plus you'd meet my big sis. So that was an interesting evening, and we both went to bed absolutely exhausted and our social batteries were drained. And then came your surprise. I sat you up on my bed, and got down on one knee.
"Hey, hun, over the past two years we've been talking, I knew you were something special. I always knew. And now over the past couple of months, we've officially been together after talking for about six months up until Christmas night. When I asked you to be my girlfriend, I was sure I wanted to go for the long run with you, and now I want to make that crystal clear to you, too, by giving you this promise ring."
(This did NOT come out this clear and well written when I actually gave you that speech, there was more stuttering, and trying to find the right words, and making it sound like it was a rehearsal, while it CLEARLY wasn't. Just to note, lol. But it was something along those lines, haha.)
You got a little emotional, and I slipped the ring around your left ring finger, and it fit perfectly. Absolutely perfectly. We hugged and kissed and you told me I love you more times than you had done in the previous months we've talked combined. The amount of kisses I received was immense, and I loved every second of it.

Well, promises are bought in Amsterdam.

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