A Nobel Prize For Her

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Moment of appreciation

A Nobel prize for being the most inspirational woman alive. A true hero to society if more people knew her full story. She's had so much trouble and seems to overcome all of them with a smile on her face. She truly is a remarkable person.

In this day and age, a lot of people seem to give up at the slightest disadvantage or setback. She doesn't. Ever. She's such a strong woman with so much love to give and compassion for others. Her will to keep going, despite the toughness of her path and knowing how hard it'll be, is absolutely inspirational.

From her past to her future, it's been struggles for a long time now. Big struggles. Imagine every bad scenario a kid can go through and she has a story of what her experience is with that. She had to act like an adult at the age of 9, sacrificing her childhood so that her little sibling could have everything he desired and the care he needed, while the rest left her in the dark.

And so, her will to continue, to keep smiling, to make others smile, is seriously noteworthy. The fact that she can still laugh is mind-blowing. If this woman was made to be the role model for this generation, it wouldn't have turned out the way it did and people would be stronger than they are now.

This woman is amazing, and I'm glad to claim her as my girl. And I know she'll never give up on me, just like I'll never give up on her.

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