Chapter One - My Story

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Have you ever been truly afraid of something before? Like the mere thought of it could keep you up for hours at night, unable to catch a wink of sleep because you're so terrified your fears will come true?

Sometimes it can be a physical fear, like spiders or clowns. Other times, it's ideas. Like the idea of being buried alive, or a plane suddenly nose diving out of the sky.

My name is Emma Xia Bing Agreste, and I'm the daughter of the famous superheroes Ladybug and Chat Noir. Never once have I felt fear in my life, over any physical thing. Sure, I get scared sometimes at the thought of losing my parents one day, or my baby brother getting hurt. But nothing has ever really made me feel truly fearful.

I have no phobias, because why would I? I'm surrounded day in and day out by literal heroes. My parents, and all the other former Miraculous holders. Even if they don't actively use their powers anymore, I know that they're still there in the events of an emergency. Never have we had to disrupt our peace, life has always been kind to me.

My grandfather was Hawkmoth, the infamous villain that used the powers of the Miraculous' for evil. When I learned this as I got older, I struggled with wondering why.

Truthfully, it was all for love.

That's when I started to understand why he did what he did, because he was so in love with my grandmother Emilie, that he would have done anything to bring her back from the dead. Even at the expense of his own son.

It was at that time, when I was 13 years old, that I felt my first kindling of fear ignite within me. Will I ever find a love that passionate, that they would burn down this whole world for a chance to see me again after my days are up? Would I ever fall so deeply in love with someone, that the mere idea of losing them could burn a rage within me that could fight a hundred wars, against any force, and come out unscathed on the other side?

I wondered then, would I do the same if I was in my grandfather's place? Would I become a villain to be with the one I love the most?

"Emma!" My mom calls out, snapping me out of my daze. I groan, slamming my palms against my forehead. "Dinner's ready!"

"Okay!" I call out, trying to calm my frustrations before I take it out on my unsuspecting family. It's not their fault I'm a talentless author.

I drag my mouse to the top of the screen, exiting the document without saving. I don't want to write some boring, over dramatized biography. My deepest desire is to write fiction; fantasy and romance, to be specific. But no one wants to publish a 16 year old, and more so, they don't like what I write.

I don't have a single unique, artistic take on anything, no matter how hard I try. I lack whatever real world experience authors have that give them their voice.

It royally sucks.

I'm well aware I should be thankful to have grown up in such a loving home, with an abundance of people who care for me. But sometimes I feel a little too sheltered. How am I supposed to learn to ride on my own, when the training wheels are never removed?

Taking some deep breaths, I head downstairs. Once a week, we eat dinner in the living room and watch a movie. Most nights we sit at the dining table though, and talk about our day. My parents always insist we eat together, as a family.

"-We already said Emma gets to pick the movie tonight." I hear my mom say as she sets up the food on the coffee table. Tommy cries out, throwing a real loud tantrum.

"Thomas! Oh, Thomas!" My dad calls as he walks into the room carrying a pitcher full of fresh lemonade. "I got some lemonade!" He sings, trying to distract my baby brother from his meltdown. However, the tiny terror doesn't fall for it.

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