Chapter Ten - Knowing Pain

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The day had begun the same as every other day. I was alerted to the food being brought to me, this time it was plain spaghetti noodles with some melted butter, and a cup of water. I didn't complain, anything is better than nothing.

But things took a drastic turn the moment Mr. Hudson barged in, his face the most serious I think I've ever seen it. In fact, he looked insanely pissed off. The room quickly filled with a ton of people all dressed in their usual black, and my eyes wouldn't dare focus on Damien for too long.

Part of me worried that this could be about the gestures of kindness Damien showed towards me, and the plan to help get me out of here. I pictured how Mr. Hudson would retaliate, maybe killing Damien in front of me and turning the gun onto me next. But then it became painfully clear this isn't about him, but rather my parents.

So fast forward to right now, where I stand with my back against the wall as Mr. Hudson holds a cellphone with an iron fist. He glares at the device as though he can will my parent's cooperation, but little does he know that it's physically impossible for them to give up the Miraculous which is in my possession.

"Mr and Mrs Agreste, I'm not asking you to do me a favour, you understand? I don't give a flying fuck whether you know where the Ladybug Miraculous is or not. I'm telling you to get it to me, or you'll never see your daughter again. I have been so patient this whole time, but I'm starting to grow tired of all this back and fourth. I made my demands clear, now either meet them or don't. It really couldn't matter any less to me if your daughter lives or dies. Here, maybe you need a little bit of enticement to nudge you along." Mr. Hudson approaches me, eyes locked steadily on my own. I don't move a muscle, watching him pull the device away from his ear and put it on speakerphone.

"-don't touch her! We're working on it, okay?!" I hear my dad's frantic voice, and that strange burning sensation comes back. I clench my fists hard, feeling my long, unmaintained nails dig into my flesh. It gives me something else to focus on besides the stinging sensation of tears that are begging to be released.

"Dad?" I say calmly, the phone line going eerily quiet for a moment.

"Emma? Emma, Princess, is that you?"

"Yeah, I'm right here. I'm okay, please-"

"Emma! My baby, oh my god, my baby-" My mom cries out, making me dig my nails harder into my palm. I can't cry, I can't show weakness in front of everyone.

"If you fucking touch a hair on her head, I'll find everyone you ever loved in your life and-"

"Oh, Mr. Agreste, how cute. You think you have the means to threaten me. As it stands, you have no Miraculous for yourself, and your wife's is also missing. All I ask is for you to cut the bullshit, give me what I want, and I'll return your precious Emma to you. If you don't, you can expect more of this to happen." He hands the phone to another guard and I hear the static screams of my parents trying to stop Mr. Hudson from doing anything irrational.

I watch as Mr. Hudson takes out a pair of pliers from his pocket. I don't flinch as he grabs my left hand, just watching with wide eyes before the panic sets in.

"I'm okay, mom, dad! I'm going to be-" I scream as Mr. Hudson rips off my nail belonging to my pinky finger. The pain is unbearably bad, making me try to yank my arm away repeatedly, but he holds me firmly in place. I sink to the floor, kicking and screaming as he keeps my arm raised and latches onto the next nail, my ring finger. "No, no please! They get the point, stop it!"

He rips this one out a lot slower, my blood curdling scream instilling immediate guilt into my heart. If I could just be stronger, handle this better, then my parents wouldn't have to hear me being tortured. But I can't stop myself, the pain is too much to handle.

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