Chapter Fifteen - I Would Never

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The wind knocks out of my lungs as the bang of the gun goes off. My eyes snap open to Damien laying on top of me, wild eyes meeting my own.

"Damien!" I cry out, knowing it wasn't me who was shot. I try to scan his body, but he's already so battered and bruised. The only moment of comfort stems from the fact I don't see anything that resembles a gunshot.

Another shot rings out, and my eyes snap up to see Aunt Jules in a fight with Scarface, as Uncle Nino shields her from each gun shot. He must have protected us from getting hit as well.

Thank the heavens they got here on time.

"Emma..." Damien's voice is strained, almost as though he's being choked. I look at him, watching a storm of emotions flicker over his face. He's conflicted, in pain, and terrified. I've never seen him so animated before.

"Everything is going to be okay. You're safe now, Damien. You're going to survive this." I cup his face, forcing him to lock eyes with me. "Just hang in there, please." I beg him, the words tumbling out again and again as I plead for him to survive.

"You had... it the whole time..." He gasps, and I remember I'm still borrowing strength from Tikki, the red and black suit clinging to my body.

"Look out!" I hear Aunt Jules call, and I watch as Scarface takes a shot at Nino. He quickly deflects it, but it was never meant to hit him. It was a distraction.

His other hand whips out a knife and stabs it into Aunt Jules' shoulder. She screams, faltering her steps and falling to the side. He lunges on top of her, yanking the knife out, prepared to plunge it back in.

I scramble to my feet, running forward as I throw my Yo-yo at Scarface and it smacks into his temple. He glares up at me, and I yank my yo-yo back to fling it another time. This time, I knock the gun out of his hand.

He goes to stab Aunt Jules again, but Nino shields her. I run after the gun, grabbing it and aiming at Scarface. Aunt Jules lays protectively in the shield, and time seems to slow down.

"Shoot me, Princess. You think you can do it? You think you can handle being a murderer?"

"Surrender or else I'll do it!" The words tumble out of my mouth, feeling thick on my tongue and tasting horribly. I know this isn't me, that I'm not a monster.

But being a monster runs in my blood, doesn't it? I can't forget who my Grandfather was, no matter how hard my parents try to pretend they do. It's spoken in loud whispers behind my back, it's written in papers and displayed on the news, scrawled on magazines and imprinted in my DNA.

I'm an Agreste, through and through.

"You couldn't. Look at you, are you being serious right now? You'll go to jail. You think you can tough it out in prison?" He smiles at me in a way that makes my gut twist, my stomach churning. I don't want to see that smile ever again.

Fuck this guy.

I pull the trigger, my heart plummeting the moment it clicks empty.

Oh god. Oh god, no.

Aunt Jules gasps, and  Uncle Nino looks at me with horror. He doesn't let it phase him much longer, as he springs into action and lands a powerful kick to the side of Scarface, sending him tumbling to the side. Aunt Jules is released from the shield, and runs towards me.

"Emma!" She engulfs me in a hug, much harsher than my beaten body can handle, but I relish in her warmth. She practically carries me over to Damien, helping him stand on his own. I turn my head to see Uncle Nino holding Scarface down.

"Purple Tigress! My Miraculous!" He calls out, and I hear the beeping that I know indicates that he's about to de-transform.

I want to help, but something in me seizes, and my body gives in. I've expended all of the energy I've had, and now I'm rendered completely useless.

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