Chapter Three - Cataclysm

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Don't panic, Emma. It's okay. Mom and dad have raised you to be a strong, independent woman. I can bench press 160 pounds, I can leg press almost double that, I'm trained in mixed martial arts and I can pick locks. Not to mention I have extensive knowledge in kickboxing, though not as much practice in that department.

They also raised me to be truthful, and not to steal. Both of which I failed at, when I took their Miraculous'.

I scour my brain to remember what to say to initiate my power, that can absolutely obliterate this vehicle I'm in. With a burlap sack tugged over my head, and my arms and legs bound by restraints, I try to wiggle my hands and feet free.

When no one says anything, I make the assumption I'm left to my own devices wherever I am. Maybe a trunk? Or a back seat, all alone?

Judging by the voices I can hear off in the distance, I'm going to assume I'm in a trunk.

I wiggle methodically, managing to free my hands first. Whoever tied this sure wasn't a scout growing up. Yanking the burlap off, I quickly get to work on my feet. I'm not in the trunk of a car, but rather the storage unit of a truck. Like a U-Haul. I'm relieved there isn't anything back here with me, like creepy torture weapons or ominous chemicals.

If I remember correctly, Cataclysm will activate my powers and I can destroy this whole van around me. But I'm not sure at what speed we're travelling, for all I know we could be flying down a highway right now. If the van dissipates, but we've still got momentum, wouldn't I just be killing us all?

I don't have my baton with me either, they must have taken it. So I can't even use that to help save me from hitting the pavement when the van gets obliterated.

So my best option would be to just open these back doors and wave to other cars for help, right?

Slight issue, I can't open it. It just won't budge. The little handles won't do anything, and out of fear of making too much noise, I'm not going to shove hard.

The idea pops in my head, and I take a few seconds to ponder it before I act. Seems like my best bet.

"Emma, don't. Just sit still, and be quiet." Tikki whispers, coming out of hiding to look at me with panicked eyes. "Outside, there are more of the people who kidnapped you. There aren't any other cars."

"What about the surrounding area? What's it like?"

"All trees."

"Do you know where we are?"

"No, we've been driving for almost two hours though." She moves some of my hair out of my face, taking a good peak at me. "Are you hurt, Emma?"

"No, I'm okay." I whisper, ignoring the fact I have a pounding headache and the overwhelming sensation to barf right now. I can do this, even if there are other cars filled with bad people, I just need to break these doors and then take off into the woods.

How can I be sure my powers won't take out the whole van though?

Only one way to find out. I can't let them take me to whatever destination they're heading too. If I do, I'm probably as good as dead. That's what my parents always said, fight for your life and never let them take you to a second location. No matter what you have to do.

I can do it, I believe in myself.

But a plan like this might only work out in my head, not so much in practice.

However, it's not like I have much of a choice. I have to do something, otherwise not only am I in danger, but so is the world. I have two of the most powerful Miraculous with me, both of which can be combined to create a disaster the human mind can't even comprehend.

What have I done? I've really messed up. At this rate, I'll be lucky if I can even survive until my parents get to kill me.

"Emma, it's okay. Just sit still, and wait for your parents to save you. They can."

"They don't have their Miraculous' if I need to remind you." I hiss out, trying not to take my frustrations out on Tikki, but I can't help it.

"They're your parents, Emma. No force in this world will keep them away from you. They'll find you, just wait." I watch as Tikki gently places a small nub-like paw on my hand, eyes pleading with mine. "I'm begging you. You don't know how to use your powers, or where we even are. On the best case scenario that you do escape, getting somewhere safe will be just as difficult. You can't take them all on."

I know what she's saying is true, but I can't just sit back and let myself get transported wherever it is they're taking me. I'm a fighter, that has to mean something. I trust that I can figure this out.

"I'm sorry, Tikki. I don't have a choice." I pull my hand away from her, looking at it apprehensively.


"Cataclysm!" My hand sparks to life as if engulfed in black flames. I'm mesmerized by the sparks licking at my suit, itching to decimate whatever it can. This is the true power of the Miraculous of Destruction. It's beautiful in the most tantalizing way. All of this power at the tips of my fingers that I can never fully seize, it doesn't belong to me.

"Don't do this, Emma. Take off the Miraculous-" I ignore Tikki's pleading as I back up, deciding a running start my help me to jump out once the doors are destroyed.

I charge forward, my fingers brush the van's door, my eyes wide as I watch it turn to ash. Within seconds the van is gone, and I'm leaping into the grass beside the road. The impact is jarring, my knees buckle and my body flies forward. It's forceful enough to make my teeth clatter together and my brain shake violently in my skull.

My headache pounds full force, my vision blurry as my fingers grasp at dried out grass and dirt. The squealing of tires draw me back to reality, and I hear the doors slam, alerting me to the others that intend on recapturing me.

I take off into a wobbly sprint, praying I can outrun whoever.

I need to transform with the power of the Ladybug Miraculous, then I can truly escape. But if they catch me, then they'll know I have both of them with me.

I'll not only lose my advantage, but I'll put the whole world in danger.

But if I use the Miraculous, they'll never catch me.

I can't be sure of that though. It's a risk I'm not willing to take.

The thudding on the ground behind me makes my heart race faster, willing my limbs to run harder than I've ever moved before. Without notice, my body drops and I land on the ground harshly, like a brick falling from up high.

I try to scream, but nothing comes out. It feels as though an electric current has run its course through my veins, my whole body tensing up, my muscles unable to tighten enough. As though if my body can clench harder, the pain will stop. But it doesn't. Seconds drag on for what feels like hours, time no longer a concept I can understand.

When it finally releases, when my body can loosen up, I'm left gasping for air. No matter how hard I suck in, it's not enough.

It's not enough it's not enough it's not enough-

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