Chapter Nine - He's Not What He Seems

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When the time is right, I casually fix my sock and palm the small ripped piece of paper. I don't immediately look at it, letting it burn in my hand like a hot coal, aching to be seen.

I want to read it so badly, but with being watched 24/7, I can't make any suspicious movements. So I lay down on my filthy makeshift bed, trying to look like I'm falling asleep. Minutes pass when I slowly open my hand, peering down to read the words scribbled in hasty penmanship.

I'm going to save you. Just hang in there. Eat this note.

Damien. He risked his life to give me something that can spark hope into this dreary situation. For some reason, it makes my nose burn and my throat begin to close, as though I might start to cry. The sensation is odd, one that I'm not used to. I honestly can't remember the last time I ever cried.

But just as quick as the feeling begins, anger overtakes and the burning sensation slips away. My eyes remain tearless, as I clutch that piece of paper and hold onto it as if my life depends on it. I won't let him save me.

I'm going to save myself.

After having so much time to sit and think, I've come up with the perfect plan. Or, I suppose I should add, the perfect plan if it goes well for me. It's not like I have a lot to use to my advantage right now.

I'll sit tight for a few more days to see if my parents got my message and send the police. If that doesn't happen, I'm going to summon the guard during the night and attack him. I'll choke him to death if I have too, steal the key, unlock my cage and jump out that window there.

There are a lot of issues that can arise, like what if the guard doesn't respond to me? What if he's too strong, and I can't knock him out? What if he doesn't have keys on him? What if we're too high up, and I can't jump out of the window?

If Damien really was trying to save me, I'm sure he would have found a way to guard me again, and then let me slip out the window. Even if it takes a few minutes, no one watching the cameras can act that fast.

I understand my plan isn't really perfect. After thinking it through, it's obvious that the majority of my plan relies on chance. Something that, as of lately, hasn't been on my side. I don't know if I'll be able to pull it off, but I'd rather die fighting then rot away in this cage. Which at this point, I think that's exactly whats happening.

Each day I feel more and more weak, unable to even get the strength to hold myself over my piss bucket. I feel sick, frail and disgusting. Something that I'm sure is evident to every onlooker.

Hiding the note back into my sock discreetly, I decide I want to keep it. It's the one thing helping to keep me sane right now. The feeling of freedom at my finger tips, the will to fight for my life. That note reminds me that I am my own hero, my parents raised me to be such.

As time continues to pass, the night falls and all that is left is the dim glow of the lamp that highlights my cage. I watch out the window, trying to picture what the moon must look like. While doing this, I envision an imaginary world and plan a story in my mind. It's all I can do these days, besides plot my escape.

When the door squeals out in agony, the light pouring into the eerie room, I watch Damien walk in. He nod's to the guard who had been watching me, and they exchange places. The moment the door is shut, I try to seek him out in the darkness.

Within a few hours, the camera will time out and Damien can quickly feed me. I'm making that assumption at the very least, since he hasn't done it since that first time. He rarely ever gets the chance to guard me. Or, if he does, he rarely ever takes it. Either way, I hardly see him, except for when there is group of them coming in to do something like a quick clean of my cage or offering me whatever food I'll get for that day.

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