Chapter Six - Terribly Wrong

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What was it that I said? I'm an immoveable force to be reckoned with?

Oh how terribly wrong I was.

I drop to my knees gasping for air, trying to scramble away from the man with the brass knuckles. The one who had been in charge moments ago, ordering others to bring me a bucket to piss in.

He wiggles his fingers and flicks his wrist tauntingly, eyes carefully watching me squirm at his feet as I struggle to take in a breath.

He had punched me so hard in the gut I'm sure he permanently shifted around my organs.

When he lifts me back up to my feet, I try to hold me head up so our eyes can properly meet, but my body wants to curl into itself. I ache to cry out for Tikki, but I can't transform. That'll ruin everything.

I have to hope they want to keep me alive.

"Still hungry?" He says calmly, hands still holding me up by the armpits.

"Go do the world a favour," I gasp out, eyes locking with his, "and die."

"Hostile little thing, aren't ya?" He lets go of me, but I hold myself up with shaky knees.

"Oh you have no idea." I smile, watching his elbow cock back. I dart out of the way, trying to avoid his brass covered knuckles from connecting with any part of me. Slipping behind him, I launch my own punch to his side. The room erupts into cheers, like a blood thirsty crowd watching the most exciting cage match they've ever seen. Ignoring the pain shooting up my arm, I stumble away as Brass Knuckles just laughs.

"Not a bad punch, honestly. You got fire-"

"Enough." Abdul calls out, pushing through everyone and bounding into my cage. I eye the door with great temptation, wondering if I transformed then maybe I can slip past everyone and out of this room.

But I have no idea how much force they would use to keep me in. Memories flash through my mind of being tased after I cataclysm'd the van, causing me to crumble that idea up and toss it out.

That was horrible. I'd like to avoid ever feeling that again.

"You don't have authority to tell me what to do." Brass Knuckles grits out, getting real close to Abdul's face, who practically shrinks into himself like a snail.

"W-we are not supposed to hurt her-"

"I've been permitted to deal with matters whatever means necessary, and this little bitch needs to be knocked down several pegs."

"She's a child-"

"She's a mouthy little brat!" Brass Knuckles roars in the face of Abdul, making me boil with anger. Even if Damien said he isn't to be trusted, how could I stand idly by and watch this behemoth of an ass verbally assault both me and Abdul?

"She's got a name," I interject loudly, garnering the attention of everyone in the room. Damien refuses to look me in the eyes, his gaze locked only on Brass Knuckles. If looks could kill, Damien would be charged with first degree murder. I guess they've got a history of bad blood. "It would do you all to learn my name, and never forget it for the rest of your short, pathetic lives. I am Emma Agreste, and my father will have all your heads for what you've done."

"That's so cute," Brass Knuckles chuckles out, sauntering up to me as his fingers tuck my greasy blonde strands behind my ear. He lowers himself to my level, dark blue eyes locked on my own. "You think you're going to see your daddy again."

"Oh, I will. But you better hope you never do." I grin, whipping my head back and slamming it forward right into the bridge of his nose. We both stumble away, but pride fills my chest at the howling noise he lets out, dropping to his knees with blood gushing everywhere. I watch in awe at the damage I've caused, pleased to see that red liquid spill all over him and the floor.

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