Chapter Eighteen - Home

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When I had returned home, there was a big emotional party waiting for me. All of my Aunts and Uncles who couldn't come see me while I was in the hospital were all camped out in our home.

It reminded me of when I was a kid, and getting to see all of them practically 24/7. I almost cried when I saw them all, celebrating my safe return home. 

The best part? Becks was there, she came home from university just for this!

"Becks!" I had screamed, leaping into her arms, laughing as she twirled me around. Becks is my Aunt Juleka and Auntie Rose's adopted daughter, and she's basically my big sister. I love her so much, and really missed her when she went off to university.

Becks sobbed into my shoulder, holding me so tightly. I had to peel her head away, staring into her tear-filled eyes. "Hey, it's okay, I'm right here."

"You scared the shit out of me!" She sobbed, and I couldn't help but laugh. "I-I didn't know what t-to do!"

"Becks, hey, calm down. It's okay, I'm fine." I reassured her as she grabbed my hands and examined the fingers that are missing nails. She shuddered, and I pulled my hand away before she could cry more.

"Like I said," I cleared my throat, and watched the way her eyes flickered up to meet mine, "I'm fine. I promise."

I spent the rest of the night hugging and chatting with my family members. Especially Aunt Chloe and Uncle Luka, who came without their sons. I hope to see them soon, but I understand wanting to keep them separate from all of this. It's not exactly the world's happiest party. 

Two people, however, wouldn't leave my parents side, and it caused a great measure of distress the whole night. Aunt Juleka and Uncle Nino spent their time engaged in a serious conversation with my parents in the corner, and I knew exactly what it was about.

So when my parents approached me, passing uneasy glances at each other, I knew the bomb had been dropped.

"Hey, Princess. Enjoying your welcome home party?" My dad smiles gently, and I nod my head slowly.

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"How have you been holding up?" My mom asks with such a soft and tender tone, the two of them tiptoeing around me as if I'm broken. The same way they did when I woke up in the hospital. For days on end they didn't know how to behave around me.

I thought we were over this.

"I'm fine, really. What's going on?" I watch the way my mom chews on her lip, and my dad's incessant rubbing of his neck.

"Your Aunt Jules and Uncle Nino, they brought something to our attention about the day you were found. We just wanted to talk about it. Can we go somewhere quiet?" I nod silently, letting them steer me towards my room. It's so nice to see my big, comfy room and my plush mattress! I want to dive into my bed and sleep for days.

"Honey, is there anything you want to tell us?" My mom breaks the silence with the question, both of them acting like they found out something I should have already told them, as though I was several months pregnant and about to pop out a baby.

"Is this about the gun?" I sigh, picking at the skin on the side of my thumb.

"Yes, it's about-"

"Look, mom, dad. It was kill or be killed, and the bastard was trying to murder the people I love. He was going to murder me. He had already killed Abdul! So when I got the chance, I took the gun and I pulled the trigger on him. But there was no bullets left."

My parents stare at me with dumbfounded expressions, my mother growing more pale by the second.

"What?" I ask, after several beats of silence. "It's self defence."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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