Chapter Sixteen - Rehabilitation

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Damien and I spend a lot of time talking about everything. Well, more like I spend all the time talking, and he listens attentively.

I explain everything my parents said, watching as he nods along.

"I understand why your parents told the police, don't sweat it." He stares down at the handcuffs restraining his wrist against the bar of the bed.

"I'm going to make sure we defend you, and-"

"You don't need to do that. I'll look after myself, you just go back to your life once you're out of this hospital." His gaze burns into mine, causing my nerve endings to buzz beneath my skin. He's always so intense.

"What does that mean?" I question, watching the way he rolls his eyes.

"You know what that means. You go back to doing the things you did before you were kidnapped. Go make friends and write books, do something with your life. You're not going to spend your time trying to help my case. You don't owe me anything."

"Damien, don't be stupid. You can rely on others, you know. I can be helpful-"

"You can't, though. I'm in way too deep, I'm not going to get off with a slap on the wrist just because I helped save Paris' sweetheart." He glares off  in the distance, making my heart break for this troubled boy. He truly thinks he's all alone.

"Well, you think whatever you want, but I'm not just going to abandon you. You can hate me after you're a free man, in the meantime we're still a partnership." I try to smile at him, but he refuses to return the gesture.

"We've never been a partnership."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I beam up at him, hobbling off the bed to grab us both some water. I hand him a cup, and he takes it with a look of annoyance. Despite that, he gulps it down graciously.

"You're a real pain in the ass, you know that, right?" He sets his empty cup aside, making me roll my eyes at this stubborn brat.

"Yeah, well, you don't make it easy to be kind. So, where's your parents?" Damien's gaze darkens, as if I've struck a nerve with that comment.

"Emma. We aren't friends. Don't start asking questions about my personal life, you don't need to know anything, and I don't want to know anything about you either." His tone is snippy and cold, making me glare back in response.

I'm stunned into silence for a moment as I recuperate my thoughts.

"Did I ever say we're friends? In fact, I'd never be friends with such an ass. I just want to talk to your parents about the next step-"

"Jesus Christ, would you stop? There is no next step-"

"If you don't shut up, Damien Dubois, I'm going to smother you to death with a fucking pillow. What are you gonna do about it? You're strapped to the bed, helpless and at my mercy. I'll do it, you think I won't?" I reach for a pillow behind him, and he swiftly grabs my wrist with his free hand. We stay like this, physically close but incredibly distant. This boy isn't going to make it easy to get into these reinforced walls of his.

"The kitten thinks she can defeat the lion, funny." Damien's gruff and raspy voice makes me almost laugh.

"That was the most cringe-worthy thing I've ever heard." I whisper back, watching the way his cheeks tint a light pink. It's such a shocking contrast to his usual demeanour that I fall back into my spot on the bed, laughing so hard my whole body hurts in response. He glares at me, quickly composing himself.

"This is what I mean when I say you're so insufferable." He grumbles, a triumphant victory on my part.

However, even if he may have conceded in his own way, I have learned one thing about Damien. Personal questions are off limits, in which I'm perfectly fine with.

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