Chapter Fourteen - To Be a Hero

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The water is cold as I dip my toes in, fuming over Damien's arrogance. What a jerk! I always read about boys like him, and romanticized the idea of enemies to lovers. But now that I'm faced with an attractive yet insufferable asshole, I realize how unrealistic it is.

It doesn't matter how good looking he is, his personality reminds me of an old, stubborn dog with a huge ego. He knows he's hot, and he acts like it. This is a side of Damien I've never seen before, at school he has always showed zero interest in talking with anyone. I always thought he was shy or misunderstood.

Now I see it's because he has a superiority complex and the physique to match it.

I end up dipping my whole body into the stream, having to sit on my knees to get the water up to my chin. I dunk my head below the surface several times, ignoring the way the sharp rocks dig into my legs.

I try to run my fingers through my matted, tangled strands, but quickly let out a cry, forgetting about my mangled nail beds.


"No!" I cry out, covering my body underwater as best as I can. "Don't turn around! I'm fine, I forgot about my fingernails." Watching Damien slowly ease back against the tree, I let out a sigh. He grumbles something but he's too far away for me to make it out. The water isn't quite clear enough to see my naked body submerged but I'd rather not risk it.

I take a few apprehensive breaths before dunking my head again, trying to hold my bad hand above water. It's okay so long as nothing touches it, especially avoiding the slicing feeling of my wiry blond hair that could easily pass as brown up until now. Breaching the surface, I feel significantly cleaner than before, and the weightlessness the water provides does wonders to ease my aching limbs. I use my good hand to try to unknot my hair but it's impossible.

Getting out, I reluctantly tug my dirty pyjamas back on. The way the fabric clings to my wet body irritates the hell out of me, but the alternative is prancing around naked and I'd really prefer not doing that.

"Damien," I ask as I approach with a sniffle, watching the way his muscles tense, "how long has it been since I was kidnapped?"

"17 days." He says without missing a beat, making me groan. That's horrible, my poor parents must be worried sick.

"Let's not make it 18. Come on." I pass by him, walking faster than before. That little break was exactly what I needed to feel more rejuvenated and ready to get home.

"Take it easy, you're going to crash if you rush." Damien's words float gently through the air as he easily keeps pace with me. I roll my eyes, not bothering to look at him.

"I'm the absolute embodiment of good health right now," I retort sarcastically, "you're the one who should worry about crashing."

As if on cue, the universe mocks me by tickling my throat. I don't dare cough, instead I clear my throat awkwardly and sniffle up the snot threatening to run across my upper lip.

"Yeah. Got me there." Damien deadpans, and I glare over at him. If arguing wasn't so exhausting, I'd come up with some sassy remark. But for now, I just want to get home.

After what I assume is an hour of walking, we make it to the edge of a road. The excitement is almost too much to handle!

"Dami-" I cough so hard it hurts my chest, phlegm shooting up from deep within my throat and making itself at home in my mouth. Instead of spitting it out, I quickly swallow it back down, encouraging a severe coughing fit. I choke on the phlegm, my eyes watering as I double over.

"Emma? Shit, are you okay?" Damien pats my back harshly several times until the phlegm comes back up. This time, I spit it into the gravel and let out a shudder as I gasp for air.

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