Chapter Eleven - Improvisation Skills

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For the first time since I've came here, I feel truly alive. My body has been ignited with the sparks of adrenaline and my mind races with all the possibilities.

But I refuse to ponder the ones where it doesn't work out in my favour. No matter what, I'm getting out of here tonight. I have too much to leave behind to just lose.

I wait patiently, the moon outside my window giving me hope that soon enough I can look up at the stars with my family again.

I haven't seen Damien since the day I had my fingernails ripped off, and I don't know if I should take that as a good sign or not. Hopefully, he's getting everything set up for our escape out of this life.

The guard watching over me hardly pays any attention, his head resting back against the wall with his eyes closed. Just as expected, the whole building goes incredibly silent as the lamp in my room shuts off. I hadn't realized the constant hum within the walls until it was gone. The green light on the camera has also disappeared.

"What the fuck?" The guard's voice grumbles out, but we can't see each other very well, the only bit of light from the moon illuminates just the small space in front of the window. The man opens the door to call something into the hallway, leaving me alone for a moment as the door closes behind him.

I dart forward, reaching my arms through the bars to grab onto the lock and slowly shove the tool inside. However, I'm not nearly as steady as my father trained me to be. Moments later, the small pick clatters to the ground and I can't see it. I drop to my knees, frantically feeling around but there's no use.

"Tikki, spots on!" I hiss out, feeling such amazing adrenaline course through me as I transform into a hero with unheard of abilities. The yo-yo at my hip comes into hand, and I grip it tightly trying to think of what to do next. "Lucky charm!" A key falls into my hand, and I use it to easily unlock the cage, freeing myself.

Holy shit, that was easy.

"Tikki, spots off!" I feel the absence of her right away, my body heavier than before, but I can manage. I look at the little Kwami, and with certain eyes she gives me one determined nod before she  flies into the pocket of my shorts to hide.

I hear the door, and watch as a figure emerges with a second person holding a flashlight lingering behind. The light zeroes in on me, blinding my eyes. I can't see who they are, but it hardly matters at this point. I need to fight.

This certainly isn't good, but oh well.

I charge out of the cage, my fist connecting with the first man's face. In my weak state, the punch really isn't all that impressive. The man stumbles a little, but before he has the chance to retaliate I use the side of my hand to judo chop his pressure point on his neck. The man crumbles before my feet, and the wave of satisfaction surges through me.

That pleasures lasts a whole 0.1 seconds before I see the man holding the flashlight, catching a glimpse of his face. It's the guy with the scar running down his jaw. He lunges for me, reaching out with his claw-like hands. I scramble back, almost tripping over my own feet.

I lost any advantage I have to fight, so I turn on my heel and dart away.

I run towards the window, Scarface's footsteps drawing close behind me. Remembering the time Julien tripped me and knocked out my tooth, I follow the same motion of dropping to my knees into a curled up ball mimicking the way he did, and just as I had no time to react back then, neither did Scarface.

His foot connects with my side as he tumbles over my body, the impact so hard it knocks the wind right out of me. I don't know what I was expecting, but not for it to hurt that much.

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