A Big Probleme

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3rd pov:

After the fight everyone went out of the stadium to prepare for tomorrow's fight, we now go to Y/n, who is with his parents and his friends.

Hop: Come on let's go back to the hotel and wait for my brother.

Y/n: Actually Hop, I'm not coming...

Hop: HUH?! What do you mean?

Y/n: I'm gonna spend some time with my parents right now have a Family day of sort.

Marnie: Same with my brother, he said he needed to talk something with me in private.

Hop: I guess we'll see you at the room I guess.

Y/n: See you guys.

And like that the group of friends hads split for the evening, Y/n and his parents went to a local Fast Food called Mac.Ducklett.

M/n: I am surprised even when you lost you were happy.

Y/n:Being the Great Champion was not my goal, I just wanted to prove myself, and loosing was actually the gaol here.

D/n: What do you mean?

Y/n: I went Easy on Gloria.

M/n//D/n: HUH?!

Y/n: As I said I didn't want to become the champion just to prove that old bastardwrong.

M/n: Language young man!

Y/n laught wich made his parents smile, and they kept eating with some small talk, when they were heading back they saw the others running around.

Y/n: You go ahead, I'll see what they are up to.

Y/n went to Klara.

Y/n: What is going on here?

Klara: We were going to go get Hop Brother when that Liz lady said we couldn't as the tower is locked up, and a guard has it but he hide in the crowed and there is more guard like him.

Y/n: I'll help as much as I can.

Just as Y/n said that a Pokemon attack could be heard next to them, it was Gloria battleing said guard with the Key, he then lost the battle and started to talk shit.

Guard: I didn't loose I wasn't focused with all that noises!

He tried to run away but bumped in something that felt likea brick wall, looking foward he saw the belly of a Pokemon, looking up he saw that it was infact Urshi with red stars coming out of his eye with an angry look, wich made the Guard piss himself and faint.

Y/n: That was easy.

There was a moment of silence.

Hop: ...Who is gonna get the key from his pants?

Everyone looked at one of the member of Team Yell who grabbed the key with 2 fingers and washed it in a water fountain. Once that was done the group rushed toward Rose Tower, passing by the Monorail.

Once inside they saw a line of guards blocking the way.

Marnie: How are we gonna pass? we can't battle here or we'll be arrested.

She then pointed at a shigh wich read 'NO BATTLE'.

Piers: I got an Idea, Y/n!

Y/n: Hm?

Piers: Think youcan help me out on this one.

Piers then snapped his finguer and memebers of Team Yell came with what looks like to be DJ equipment.

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