𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳.𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦 -𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘱𝘶𝘳𝘱𝘭𝘦

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"I didn't mean to pry, by the way. I was just surprised."

"Surprised by how pretty my eyes look, even when mutilated?" He smirked down at her, while pulling his book and quill out of his bag.

"Yes, of course, Matty." She gave him a rather sarcastic smile.

"No ones ever called me Matty before." Although he wasn't too sure whether he liked the name or not, he felt comfort in it.

"I quite like it. I mean I can't exactly shorten your name to Theo, that would practically be identity theft."

At the sound of his name, Theo number 1 perked up.

"He doesn't look like a Theo. See, now me, I suite Theo." He tugged at the fronts of his cloak, cocking his head up to the sky. Draco, who was sitting next to him, batted the back of his head with a disgusted look on his face, which caused the whole table to laugh, including Theo.

"I don't know. Matty kinda makes me sound like a nerd." Mattheo brought his attention back to Alice and the conversation that they had been having.

"Well now I like it even more." She laughed, as she dipped her quill in ink, ready for the start of the lesson.


The rest of the lessons that day went by normally. New teachers introduced themselves and old teachers just got straight into the boring stuff. Although they all loved being back at Hogwarts, the group seemed to have forgotten the lesson aspect of it all.

Theo was always behind in lessons, but this year he vowed to work hard and pay attention in class. It had only been a day and he already hadn't written down a single thing. Apart from the carvings of 'T.N.' in all the desks of course. His parents didn't pay a lot of attention to him. They were both pureblood Hufflepuff's and when he got placed into Slytherin they weren't too happy. It was when he brought home his best friend Draco Malfoy for the summer that really set them off. That's why he spent his summers at the Malfoys, they've kind of been like a second family to him. Well, Narcisa and Draco were, at least.

Alice was so jealous of how carefree Theo was. He didn't have parents who stalked his every move and tracked his school work. He didn't have constant pressure to be the best in his class. She would give anything to feel some sort of gratitude from her mother. Maybe even just a 'well done' would be enough. She missed when she was younger, when her and her mother would spend days baking and reading. Now, when she's home, her and her mother just do their best to not be in the same room. It may be the new normal, but it still makes her heartache.

Daphne tries so hard in the lessons that she loves, but she wishes she was as smart as Alice. Ever since first year she's been trying and trying to understand as much as Alice does. Every single thing she tries, she masters. She never seems to be second best, even when it comes to Hermione Granger. Even though she is jealous of Alice's brains, it is incredibly funny watching smoke role out of the Gryffindor's ears when she beats her to answering a question.

Pansy has no where near as much motivation as Daphne. She's in the library all the time reading new books, and studying, but Pansy sometimes struggles even getting out of bed. How can someone spend so much time focusing on work, when Pansy can barely listen to a 20 minute lecture without day dreaming about the ideas she has for books she could write and art she could draw. She knows she can't make a career in the wizarding world by writing novels, so why is she wasting all her time fantasying about it?

Mattheo doesn't know how to draw. Seriously. He never learned, not even when he was little. No one ever bought him markers or coloured pens. He's always wanted to learn. Ever since seeing Daphne sketch in her little notebook. It was Herbology, first year, and she had her head in a book, drawing a photo of the flower in front of her. It was beautiful, and he wished he could take the mundane things and turn them into drawings on a page. Maybe that would make them just a little bit more meaningful. He would never dare ask for lessons though, cause that would make him seem inferior.

Enzo's not very mature, he acts a bit like a child. His parents were very busy when he was little, with work and all. He had to look after his cousin almost all the time. He was 4 years younger than him, and Enzo started spending lots of time with him when he was born. His cousins parents were also very busy with work, so he had to feed, and play with the toddler. Due to him being forced to grow up at such a young age, he clings to the childhood that he once had. Sometimes, he just wishes he was more mature, like Mattheo. If he needs advice, he goes to him. Even if he's a stupid boy who gets into fights, he always makes the important decisions.

Blaise doesn't have a lot of family. His mum is there for him most of the time, but she has a new husband every time he goes home. He's never met his dad. His mum once told him that his dad was a one night stand and that she never even got his number. Blaise didn't understand what that meant at the time. How was he supposed to know what a one night stand was at the age of 8? And how was he supposed to call one man dad in January and another man dad in March, when he didn't even know who his real one was? He started refusing to call the men dad when he was 10, he figured they would be gone soon, so why did they need to like him? He doesn't have any other family. His mum stopped talking to her parents when she was 19, and he never had any cousins. Not like Enzo, he's really close with his family, as far as Blaise is aware, which he can sometimes envy. Coming to Hogwarts was perfect. It meant he wasn't alone.

Draco prays every night that his dad would pack up and leave. He's been doing it since he was 5. The first time his dad hit him was when he was 5. All because he kicked over a plant pot when playing football in the garden. The pot didn't even break. And he hasn't played football since. Going to Blaise's house is like a breath of fresh air. Even when his mum is married, the husbands never speak to Blaise. That's because his mum tells her husbands that his dad is in the picture, but he's away for a few months. She knows with in that time, they'll be divorced, she'll take Blaise on a shopping spree and then she'll find a new man and tell him the same thing. Blaise doesn't know that though, and please, don't tell him.

Didn't you know? Everyone wants what they can't have. Everyone's jealous of someone. And someone's jealous of you. No ones jealous of Draco right now though, everyone knows he gets dragged through hell and back. Well, not everyone. Just his friends.


1.8k words

some back story for ya'll

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