Chapter 2

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As we stepped out of the elevator, I could see Lena's eyes widen in awe at the sight before her. The house was a sprawling space, with floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a panoramic view of the city skyline. The walls were adorned with expensive artwork, and the furniture was all custom-made and luxurious.

I led her through the living room, where a grand piano sat in the corner and a fireplace crackled with warmth. The kitchen was a chef's dream, with top-of-the-line appliances and marble countertops. And the food that I had made in the past were all given 5 star but then again that food was eaten by my henchmen.

As we walked down the hallway, I glance at her and saw her eyeing doors leading off to various rooms as if wondering what could be behind them. They were just unoccupied rooms used as storage.

Finally, as we arrived at the master bedroom. The king-sized bed was covered in silk sheets, and a chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the room. I gestured her to sit on a chair as I rummaged through my closet.

"This is my home," I said I placed a pair of clothes, towel and a hair brush besides her. "The bathroom is right there. Take as long as you want."

"Thank you...uhm." Lena hesitated.

"Christopher Bang. Others call me Chris," I smiled and left her in the room. Letting out a sigh, I head over to the study. This is going to be a big mess if it comes down to it. I mean she belongs to JYP and this is not what I signed up for. I reach for my reading glasses and roll up my sleeves. Sitting down, I look at the papers in front of me and got right to work.

I must've been very immersed because when I looked up, I saw Lena standing at the door. The night pjs I gave her fit her well and she looked clean. "Did you find everything okay?" Standing up, I took off my glasses.

"Yes, thank you." Lena said as she looked down. I sensed hesitation. "Uhm..."

"You alright?" I asked, taking off my glasses as I stood up.

"I don't mean to intrude but do you happen to have a first aid kit?" I walked over to a bookshelf and rummaged through the drawers till I found what she asked for.

"Are you hurt?" I asked as I walked over but as I handed over the box, I hear her hiss in pain. "Yah, gwenchana?" I grab her arm and she yelps in pain.

"I'm alright." She replies and tries to take the aid kit. I gently raise her arm sleeve and all I saw was cuts and her skin had variations of blue and green but she yanked her arm back. "I can do it myself." She takes the box and leaves.

What the actual fuck? Did that bastard start hiring women just to abuse them or something? Picking up phone, I sent a text to Changbin to further check if anything suspicious comes up regarding JYP. I head over to the kitchen to get some water and stop mid-step at the sight before me. One arm out of a sleeve with few used cotton balls in front, I see her trying to reach for her shoulder and is facing away from me. I consider walking over and helping her but decide against it and open the fridge. She turns around and freezes. I take big gulps of cold fluid, before closing the bottle. She's staring at me, I know because I feel her eyes on me. "Chris." I turn around and see her. Once again, I think of how beautiful she looks despite her clothes too big for her thin frame.

"Could you...uhm...." I walk over to her and take a alcohol dipped cotton ball and gently dab over the injury. Jesus, it looked like a map. As I finish up putting bandaids, I finally ask her.

"Why did you run?" Because I was very close to putting a bullet through his head anyway.

After a short pause, she sighs as I put bandaids on her shoulder. "He's my uncle. Before my mom died, she gave parental right to him." Lena confessed with a tearful smile. "He's just never let me go ever since I was of age." Her uncle? For god's sake, this just turned into a big mess.

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