Chapter 11

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(Back to Chris's POV)

"Ah, fuck!" I groan, half in pain and half because of all the paperwork in front of me. When Han called me yesterday saying that some of our regulars were getting very demanding about the drugs not being authentic or not enough for them. So I had to come and deal with them via phone. Thankfully, they were relieved once they heard my voice.

"I need a vacation," I sigh, laying down on the couch in my office. It has been a little over a month and my wounds have almost healed. Closing my eyes, I try to calm down but all my brain can think about is Lena. I turn to the side, hoping the thoughts will go away once I get some shuteye.

But my mind had other plans. I had a dream of her smile. Her eyes. Her hair. Her laugh. Her lips. I hear a giggle and shuffling. Suddenly aware of my surroundings, I keep my eyes closed. Another giggle and  more feet shuffling. What heck is going on?

Opening one eye, I see Han, Felix and Lino gathered around me, smiling like idiots. "What the hell?" When they just smile widely in return, it's always a sign that they're up to something no good. "What do you want?"

Without warning, they jump on me and start tickling me. Surprised, I couldn't help but laugh. "Yah!" I yell, laughing. "Stop!"

"Never!" Felix says, smiling as he keeps tickling me.

About a few minutes after the tickle attack, I'm still smiling, but for different reasons. "We just wanted to see you smile," Lino states.

"You've been just really into work after the incident and all so we wanted to lighten the mood a little," Han said.

"I know. Thank you," I said smiling. "I actually needed that." Han and Felix nod and excuse themselves leaving Lino and I behind.

"Hyung, why aren't you going home? You should be resting," Lino said, concerned.

"Gwaenchanha," I replied. "I'm alright, Lino. Just seeing you guys safe and sound is more than enough for me."

Lino nodded and said, "And Lena? How is she doing?"

I freeze at the mention of her name. "She's fine," I replied, picking my phone and scrolling through it.

"Aish, hyung!" Lino yelled, making me jump.

"Wae?!" I exclaimed. "Mwoh?!"

Sighing, Lino sat down and looked at me. "You've been here for too long. Go home."

"Tsk, I'll go home when I want to," I said, annoyed.

"If you don't go home, I'll start grabbing your butt every day!"

Blinking at him, I yeild myself from such monstrosity. What is with this guy and touching butts? "What the fuck, Lino? What is your obsession with butts?"

"Well, they're round and squishy and very fun to sma--"

"Okay! I'm going! Bye!" I said, running out of the room. Another minute and he would've started a whole biography on butts.


As I close the main door, I head straight to my bathroom to wash off the grime and sleep that I haven't been getting for the past few weeks. Standing under the hot water, I sigh as my muscles begin to relax and finally able to wash over my newly made scars was another thing. All in all, it was a much needed shower.

After changing, I decided to make food so I head over to the kitchen. Stopping dead in my tracks, I spot Lena standing by the stove as steam came from the pot. I had been avoiding her. Heading over to the fridge making my presence known, I take out things for a quick sandwich and put them on the counter. As I turn around, two arms slide around my torso in a hug. I'm so confused about what's happening. "Uhhh..."

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