Chapter 3

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I wake up slowly regaining consciousness, the first thing I felt was a sharp pain in my back. "Fuck..." Everything around me seemed hazy and distorted. I could hear muffled voices in the background, but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. Slowly, I began to realize that I was laying on a bed, on my bed and in room. I try to sit up as the door opens and in walks in Hyunjin and our doctor with Lena trailing behind them.

"Oh good, you're up." The doctor comes around my side to check my vitals. And I'm trying not to wince whenever I move. I had part of the headquarters have everything that a hospital has. Going to hospital as a mafia is very frowned upon so when I helped one of the best doctor in the city for saving his family, he was was more than happy to help me when I asked. I gave him permission to make a room for his needs when it came to us, whether be it from minor to serious emergencies. He even made sure to make us feel comfortable for us.

I feel eyes on me and I glance up to see Lena looking at me. What was that look? Worry? Empathy? I couldn't read her face. I also noticed her eyes were red. Was she crying? I wince and groan when the doctor checks the dressing on my back and whip my head to give glare. "Looks all good. Just take it easy for the next few days and it will start to heal up nicely otherwise the stitches will open. You're lucky it didn't reach any of my major organs or nerves but it did give you 6 stitches so please be careful about it." He writes something on his little notepad and gives it to Hyunjin before taking his leave.

"Do you even remember what happened?" Hyunjin asked. I close my eyes. Fuck, why is my head hurting? And what is that noise? Opening my eyes I see Hyunjin right up in my face.

"Aish, yah!" I nudge him away. "Get out of my face." Everything hurts suddenly and all I want to do is lay down and sleep it all off.

"Yah, you scared all of us when we got the call. Do you know how worried were? Thankfully, Lena called us." I look at Lena who's now just staring at me. "You would've bled to death if it wasn't for her." Hyunjin places a bag on the bed. "It's porridge. I made it. Just heat it up before eating. I have to go back and tell the guys that you're alive and well." Before I could say anything to him, he leaves like lightning. Damn you, you dumpling.

It gets quiet for a few minutes and all I could hear was the rain outside. I manage up the courage and look at her. "Thank you." Lena looks at me and smiles. I think my heart skipped a beat. Was it my head playing with me?

"Sorry I had to call him here to help you," Lena said as she tucked her hair behind her hair, sniffing her nose. 

"It's okay, really. It was a good call." Seriously, if it wasn't for her, I was a total goner. She must've used my phone to call him. Just imagining Hyunjin frantically preparing help for me made me laugh but a sharp pain shoots straight to my back and I hiss is pain. "Shit."

"Take it easy," Lena said as she approaches closer. "It's still a fresh wound and could open if you're not careful." I try to slide down to lay down but the pain restricts me to move any further. Trying to move the pillows behind me, but I can barely move my torso. Great. Just great. "Let me," Lena said coming closer and helps me lay down. Once she knows I'm comfortable, she takes a seat besides the bed.

"Thanks," I sigh, relief going through my veins as soon as my head hits the pillow, I close my eyes. Lena says something but I don't hear anything and drift off to fight my demons.


I open my eyes again after a few hours. Looking at the window, it's gotten dark out. "Damn, I must've knocked out," I sit up carefully and look around. Getting out of bed, I limp towards the kitchen for water. Taking few gulps of cold water, I look around and notice a small figure laying on the couch. I slowly go around the island, and spot Lena sleeping. Suddenly, my chest hurts like I had been stabbed there instead. For one person to be doing this all for me, makes me want to cherish her.

Shaking of the feeling, I grab a blanket on the couch and lay it on top of her. When I've made sure she's covered, I stand up to go back to my room when a hand grabs my left hand.

"Don't go. Please," Lena pleads. Is she sleep talking? I look down and see her eyes closed. "Please, no!" I bend down at eye level and take her hand. She's sleep talking. I gently pat her on her arm and within seconds her breathing slows down. I can't help but watch her sleep. She looks so peaceful. Why on earth would anyone want to hurt her? She's so innocent and yet....shaking my head, I free my hand and go back to my room.

Once I get back in my room, pickup my phone and I text Felix and Changbin to find out about the person who stabbed me. Even though I couldn't get a good look of his face, but there's something about him that I can't put my finger on it. And why was he after Lena? He wasn't dressed like JYP's men. "Ahhh...mol la." Putting my phone down, I lay back down, careful to not rip my stitches. I try to go back to sleep but I keep tossing and turning despite the sharp pains on and off. After an hour, I give up on sleep so I decided to get up and head over to my study to work on some paperwork.


Hours went by and the sunlight shined through the windows, I woke up realizing I had slept on the office couch. By now, the pain in my back had reduced a bit was still painful. As I try to stretch, the sharp pain comes back and I hiss in pain. "Dammit." This is going to gettinf used to. My phone dings and I pick it up to read the message.

A. Felix: The guy who stabbed you is this' is what the message said with a video clip.

Curious, I click on it and it plays the clip. It starts after I leave with Lena in my car. The guy gets up slowly but I can't fully see his face. He slowly gets up, walks every direction as if to look for something. Was he looking to see if anyone would pop out? Weird. Changbin made sure no one was there.

Suddenly, he starts walking towards one of the security cameras that facing his direction. As he comes closer and closer, I can only think of one person. A very familiar face comes in view and mouths something as he stares at the camera and then removes his hoodie and a face mask. My heart drops. "Kim Dong Ju?" A message pops up on the screen

A. Felix: So? Any idea who he is?

Yes. But I didn't want to type that. Going back to the video, I play it again. When he comes in view again, this time I try to read his lips and I keep replaying it till I can get an idea of what he's saying.

Find out what he's doing here.

After a few minutes go by, my phone chimes again.

A. Felix: who is Kim Dong Ju?

An old enemy.

There wasn't denying it. Kim Dong Ju was an old friend turned enemy. He was the cool guy that everyone wanted to be in high school. I wanted to be like him growing up. I didn't understand why he became my friend but in a way, I was kind of glad. He saved me from my bullies and no one ever dared touched or say anything to me.

One day, I was kicked and punched by the school bullies when Dong Ju came to my rescue. He got my brusied eye and lip treated and forced me to eat food later. It was few months later that I was introduced to younger his sister, Kim In Soo, who went to the same school but was a sophomore.

Whenever Dong Ju invited me over to his house, In Soo would all get shy and giggly around me. I knew the moment she started acting like that around me was because she liked me. But I didn't do anything about it. I didn't have much luck with girls back then.

My phone chimes again.

A. Felix: he's staying in an old apartment building 30 mins from here. He's also done some dealings with JYP.

JYP? What the fuck are you doing, Dong Ju? Sighing, I rub my eyes in frustration. I already know this is going to be hell. This would mean that Lena is the bait. Which also means that I would have to face Dong Ju. "Fuck." Why is this shit getting more complicated?

Touching my back, I feel the bandage of where the cut is. Did he really want to kill me? Why? Was it because of his sister? Was it because of what happened that he wants to take revenge? I feel a sudden weight drop in the pit of stomach. Revenge. He's out for revenge. On me.

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