~Marriage (3)~

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"The world is not that good, Jimin."
"But you are the best, darling."


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I looked up from my phone, to see an 'angel'. Not by personality of course.

Verona Cassano was draped in an ethereal wedding gown studded with sparkling diamonds. It covered tightly around her zero-figured body and had layers below her knees. The layers were so long that they had to be carried by 4 helpers. I loved it, but it lacked something, I couldn't find out.

"It is good, but is there something that will make her look like a royal queen?" I requested the designer and he asked hee to try another dress. "I will buy this one," she said without even glancing at the gown.

Girl, I know you are tired. But please don't screw this.

She tried it on and without even showing it to me, she bought it. Like WTF? She paid for her side while I paid for mine. Now, we are sitting in a restaurant having our dinner. Time passed quickly and we didn't realize it was evening already. I could feel numerous gazes at me, Verona and her boys are eating elsewhere because we didn't want to arise scandals. "She seems lonely," Mom said sympathetically,

Who would tell her how evil she is?

"She is alone, not lonely. I wonder how she reached here with no support. That girl is an orphan, not lying I admire her." Dad said with a sweet smirk.

"Maybe by fucking some old guys?" I mumbled under my breath.

She is so fucking confusing, like at a time she asks if we can have sex and other time she acts as if I don't exist. I wonder how our wedding would be, I will be shocked if there won't be any ruckus or gunshots heard. "You are the singer, Park Jimin, right?" A blonde girl with her brunette friend approached me. "Yes, I am."

"I am a big fan of your music, can I have an autograph?" She asked blushing furiously. She looks cute.

Shut up, Jimin.

I gave her an autograph, but she didn't seem to be satisfied. "What happened?" I asked with concern. "Well, you've always made songs for self-love, why don't you go for some love songs? Not to offend you but your voice suits romance." She is not wrong though. I am someone who would experience those feelings and then make a song out of it. So it's hard for me to write a romance-based song.

"I haven't experienced love yet, so it's hard to say how it feels to be in love," I concluded.
"No problem, I hope you will find the love of your life soon."

Really? After marrying a demon?

I smiled and waved at them as they walked away. My mobile vibrated after getting a text from Yeosang to rush.

It wasn't long until we reached home and went to sleep immediately.

Wait, HER mansion is not MY home.

The week passed with us shopping like crazy and Verona just stayed silent and chose the minimalistic but still luxurious things

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The week passed with us shopping like crazy and Verona just stayed silent and chose the minimalistic but still luxurious things. It was D-Day. I am getting married to someone I don't even know. I feel as if I'm that so-called 'crybaby wifey'. 

Well, I'm not.

I'm just taking this shit like having an adventurous trip just, emotionally. "Jimin, bitch you're getting married before Joon and Jin Hyung ." Suga Hyung chuckled while patting my back.

 "Don't ever disagree with your wife, got it? Even if they say Earth is flat, just agree if you want to be alive. That's what I'm doing for a years." Dad whispered the last sentence, but little did he know that Mom was standing right behind him. "Ohh really, Park Seojoon?" Even if she had just a makeup brush in his hand, that competed strongly with a gun that could kill Dad right here. I chuckled at both of these lovebirds, "Chill, Mom."

Tae was dressing me up while Hobi Hyung was doing my make-up. I felt pity for Verona that she doesn't have any females in her circle, but maybe I could introduce her to mine who are staying in Korea. Those girls literally have no idea what mess I created here. Honestly, I miss them. Those crackheads who are waiting impatiently for their sister-in-law.

"Jimin, hurry up, the priest is calling you." I just ran my hand through my hair, I dyed it blonde cause it suited the vibe. Being honest, it was my dream to get married at the same time with my brothers. Maybe, after 2 years I'll find someone who can make me happy and fill up the empty spaces of my heart and then we'll get married. 

The priest explained me the rituals, and called for the bride. Luckily, there was almost no one in the wedding except for the family members. Even the boys' parents came so it looked pretty crowded. My thoughts got interrupted by claps of everyone, I looked up to see....

 My thoughts got interrupted by claps of everyone, I looked up to see

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