Chapter 29

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Malius was confined to bed today, and Pierrne had been drawn away on bloodbinder business, so Wrell wandered about the house after taking a much-needed nap. She had slept hard, reassured by the Great Lord's presence just across the estate, though Malius's illness worried her. He'd assured her he would be well, though she had been skeptical. The physician told her privately that he feared Malius was worsening.

She was heading downstairs, mulling over how to tell Jurion about his father, when a voice called her name.

The empress was striding down the hall toward Wrell, powerful and purposeful, as if she hadn't been pierced by an arrow just a week ago. "Ah, Wrell. I have been cooped up in my rooms for too long and wish to go on a ride. Would you accompany me?"

Wrell stepped to the side to avoid being run over by the empress and her multiple guards. "My lady, it has only been a-"

The empress blew past her. "Nevermind that. I've had nothing to do since you visited except sit with my generals. Not even a meeting with your Great Lord. I am itching for a ride."

Wrell quickened her pace to keep up. "The Great Lord is due to finish his meetings very soon. I do not think-"

"Nonsense." She caught the attention of one of the Quellen guards who had been waiting with Wrell. "You. Inform the Great Lord that his betrothed is utilizing his servant today and she will be unavailable." She turned to Wrell. "It is settled, then. Come now."

Wrell went with her.

They headed through the house for the exit, Wrell trying to determine when the cunning and cold empress had turned into this vivacious woman who seemed to have claimed Wrell as part of her circle after having only a few conversations.

Both of the graceful gray hunting hounds were with Nadeina as well. They were well-behaved, following along at an even pace, tongues lolling and eyes fixed on their mistress. Still, Wrell could not completely relax in their presence, reminded of the likelihood that they were part of the pack that had torn that man in Sardin to shreds.

"General Aelider has agreed to meet us at the stables. I wanted to head there first, and I thought you might introduce me to your horse and tell me about these Blairmoths I have heard so much about."

There was little she could do but agree. The horses were finishing their mid-morning meal when they arrived. Wrell breathed in the smell of leather, wood, horses, and hay, allowing herself to relax just a little. Though being away from the Great Lord always made her uneasy, she was grateful for something to keep her occupied, even if it was associating with the empress.

Nadeina came to a stop once they entered the first long corridor of stalls. She turned to their guards. "You may remain here."

"We will conduct a sweep of the premises first, Your Imperial Majesty."

"Very well."

They waited as two Viannic guards broke off and began to inspect the entire stable. After a few minutes the guards returned and declared it safe.

"Wonderful." Nadeina motioned for Wrell to follow, their boots sending echoes down the cobbled corridor. "I despise their hovering," she said once she and Wrell were out of hearing range. "They forget I am not helpless, and neither are." She patted the sword hanging from her belt.

"Helpless or not, my lady, it is possible for you to be injured, as last week proved. It is good that they are thorough."

Resi was just ahead, her head poked over the stall door and lifted high as Wrell and Nadeina approached. The mare nickered a greeting, blowing warm air in Wrell's face.

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