Chapter 43

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"General, the Great Lord and Lady have arrived."

Aelider turned at the subdued but tension-laden voice, his brows rising at the young soldier's news. "Great Lord and . . . who?"

"The Great Lady, my lord."

The Great Lord had at last taken a wife. So soon after the end of his engagement-betrothal, too. His heart cramped inside his chest at the title that should have been Nadeina's. He hardly cared if she was married if it meant she was still alive.

Whom the Great Lord had chosen to marry, though-Aelider had his suspicions, but he could not be sure what woman that Quellen council of lords might have foisted on their leader.

He followed the soldier out of his tent and passed through the rows of tents and the numerous people milling about, some sitting by their fires and talking with their fellow soldiers while others readied for bed.

In the torchlit area of the central clearing, surrounded by battle-ready horses and soldiers in distinctive Quellen leathers, was the Great Lord. With him was Wrell Draekon, the scars on the left half of her face unmistakable.

But what Aelider noticed was how close she stood next to the Great Lord. How they looked at each other when their eyes met before focusing on Aelider.

"Welcome," Aelider said, keeping his voice low and steady despite the churning of his stomach and the way his muscles trembled with nervous energy.

"General Aelider," the Great Lord replied. "I am glad we are able to meet."

"You have married, I hear. Am I correct in assuming that your new Great Lady is the one standing right beside you?"

"You are."

"Please accept my congratulations." Aelider swallowed the bitterness. "I have sent word to Emperor Marc that you have arrived-he wanted to meet as soon as possible."

"Has he reconsidered his declaration of war?"

"Perhaps. I do not want war any more than you, Great Lord. We will see about Marc once he arrives. In the meantime, set your camp and rest."

He showed them the area not far from the Viannic camp and watched as the Quellen tents were pitched in the distance and gear and horses were tended to. The Quellens were an efficient lot, not overly loud or talkative but still amiable and focused on completing their tasks. The Great Lord and Lady's tent stood at the center of the camp, the fabric dark and heavy to keep out the Quellen cold. Here in the borderlands, it would only keep prying eyes out.

An hour after the Great Lord and Lady had disappeared inside their tent to rest, a soldier came to Aelider. "General, Emperor Marc has arrived."

He gave the soldier a terse nod. "Is the space ready?" He'd asked for a large table to be made and set in a clearing under a grove of trees. Shaded, private, but still public enough to keep all parties at ease, he hoped the setting would encourage mutual trust and openness to negotiation. He'd had a week to prepare to prevent a war that had already been declared.

"It's ready, General."

"Invite the Great Lord, and have the Emperor meet us there." He hesitated, then added, "Invite the Great Lady as well." He did not know how Wrell Draekon-now Wrell Calustus-would act in this situation, or if she even wanted to be a part of it. After all, she had been a soldier, not a politician or diplomat. Would she watch her husband negotiate with Aelider and Marc from a distance, or would they work together using the bind of blood between them?

Not long after, the Great Lord and Lady approached with their escort of guards. Both looked slightly more rested than before, though they had not had much time since their arrival. After a quick acknowledgement of each other, they headed for the meeting space. Aelider spotted Marc's tall form leaning against the crudely-constructed table, surprisingly alone. His guards stood at a distance, watchful but unconcerned, their pale faces and light eyes brighter in the torchlight. Aelider shook off the chill of the night and headed for the table.

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