Chapter 21: Stalked By Rare Hunters

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Okay, so Duel Links saved my butt by giving me ideas for decks, but I majorly appreciate suggestions here guys.
I own nothing.
Chapter 21: Battle City Begins

"You can't be serious!" Joey yelled so loud everyone within a mile of the school could hear. "You mean to tell me that rich punk Kaiba is throwin' his own exclusive Duel Monsters Tournament?"
Yugi nodded. "Yup."
"And it starts in less than a week." Rain added.
Joey growled, gripping his head. "Ohh! I can't believe Money Bags didn't send an invite to me! I was the runner-up in Duelist Kingdom! Where's da respect!?"
"Here's a newsflash for you, Joey." Tristan said bluntly. "Kaiba doesn't like you."
"I'll give him somethin' not to like!"
"You know, this is exactly how he wants you to react."
Joey paused. "You got a good point there, Tristan. Maybe I don't need to enter Kaiba's snooty competition. Yuge, Rain, what about you two? Are you gonna enter the tournament?"
"We have to." Yugi said. "We just found out that entering Kaiba's tournament is the only way we can achieve our destinies."
"Your destinies? What are ya talkin' about?"
Rain crossed her arms. "It's kinda a long story."
Tea shrugged. "We've got time."
"Some kind of evil force is coming back from the past and Rain and I are destined to join this tournament and defeat it." Yugi explained.
Rain nodded. "And it's likely tied to the person who tried to steal the Millennium Puzzle."
"Then it's my destiny to help!" Joey declared. "I got just the card! I'm talkin' Red-Eyes Black Dragon, folks!"
Tristán gave him a look. "So you're saying you've changed your mind again, and you are gonna enter the tournament."
"That's what I'm sayin', all right! Yugi and Rain inspired me. With this baby in my deck, I got it made." Joey kissed the card. "Isn't that right, my little Red-Eyes? Who's gonna help me kick some major Kaiba butt? With my Red-Eyes, I'll put Kaiba to shame!"
Tea sighed, pointing a finger upward. "Didn't you learn your lesson the last time you dueled Kaiba?"
"Tea's right, Joey." Yugi warned. "Your Red-Eyes is a powerful card, but it doesn't guarantee that you'll beat Kaiba."
"Only that you'll have the potential to." Rain finished the saying, making Joey rethink it.
"Yeah, you got a point."
Yugi continued to give advice. "You'll need to have a little patience. First, you should get used to his more-advanced version of the Duel Disk."
"The old ones were too advanced for me. They cost me the duel!"
"You're a much better duelist now than you were then, Joey, but before you jump right into another duel with Kaiba, you should practice with the new Duel Disk."
"Then what are we waitin', for? I gotta try and sign up for this thing!"
Joey charged off, leaving everyone sighing behind him.


The group headed down towards the registration office, Joey barreling ahead to register, Tristan on his tail.
Yugi smiled nervously. "Think they'll let him register?"
"I don't know, but the boy is determined." Tea said as Rain snorted.
"You can say that again. By the way, Tea, thanks for volunteering to look after Yami and (Y/N) yesterday. Sorry we kinda wasted your time."
"Oh, don't worry about it. I definitely needed the extra hours of study time. That test was a nightmare. Anyways, did they find out anything important?"
"Oh, you have no idea!" Yugi said before recounting everything they had learned from the trip.
Tea's eyes widened. "So not only were they an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh and queen, Yami and (Y/N) were married!?"
"Not just married." Rain emphasized. "They are the legendary couple among Wayfarers. We're talking the Romeo and Juliet of Wayfarers."
"Okay, Rain, you are telling me that story the second we have time."
"I want to hear it too." Yugi said.
Rain smiled. "I can tell you it right now. I know it by heart."
"I think we should get registered first." Yugi said, pulling out his deck. "Hey, Rain? You know Kaiba's new rule that the winner of each duel gets to take the loser's rarest card? On one hand, it's an awesome idea, 'cause the winner of the whole tournament gets the ultimate prize: a super-deck made up of the rarest cards in Duel Monsters. But on the other hand, I put my heart into this deck. I don't want to lose any of my cards to another duelist, especially my Dark Magician."
Rain rubbed her arm. "Trust me, I don't want to lose Ori either, but the fate of the world is on the line. We'll just have to trust (Y/N), Yami, and each other."
Yugi nodded as they caught up to Joey and Tristan, bickering as usual, before they all headed inside for registration. The clerk was polite enough, checking Yugi's qualifications to verify he was allowed to enter, making Joey nervous.
"Not bad. You're a 5-star duelist. That's the highest rank."
Yugi looked at the guy confused. "Where does this info come from exactly?"
"KaibaCorp performed extensive research on duelists around the world and compiled the results into a database." The clerk turned the screen to them, showing Yugi's profile. "This shows your skill level and the rarest card you've ever played in a duel. To ensure that only the best duelists enter, Mr Kaiba has gone to great lengths to learn everything about you and your decks."
Everyone gasped as Rain sighed. "Yeah, because knowing every card we've got doesn't give you an unfair advantage, Seto. Knowing him, he only gave Yugi the highest rank because he couldn't find a way to give him a lower one without making himself look bad."
"Preach." Tea said.
"Well, since you qualified to enter, you get this." The man behind the desk turned to take one of the boxes off the shelves before handing it off to Yugi. "KaibaCorp's new and improved duel disk system."
"Awesome!" Yugi said, taking the box. "Thank you."
Rain then stepped up. "I'm also here to register. Rain (L/N)."
The clerk nodded and quickly searched for her profile. "Ah, here you are, another 5-star duelists. Though it does say here you've already received a duel disk.
She nodded. "Yeah, it's back home. I just wanted to make sure I was registered."
Tristan turned to her. "Wait, when did you get one?"
"Oh, Mokuba delivered the invitation and the duel disk last night. Mine's customized with Wayfarer colors and our sigil."
Tea smirked. "For someone as cold as Kaiba, he's got a real soft spot for you, Rain."
"I'm the closest thing those two have to a sister. It has its perks."
Joey suddenly shoved her and Yugi out of the way, placing his hands on the desk. "Ahem! I wanna register also. Joey Wheeler's da name!"
The man nodded and began typing, frowning as the result came up. "I'm sorry. You've only got one star. Your ranking is far too low to qualify."
Joey began to rage and Tristan had to restrain him, Tea leaned towards Rain.
"Hey, Rain, this is still weird though. He should qualify."
The Wayfarer sighed and shrugged. "He really should, but knowing Seto, this was purely spite."
Suddenly, the guy behind the counter cleared his throat. "I apologize, Mr Wheeler, it appears the system was malfunctioning. You actually qualify as a 4-star duelist."
Joey beamed, breaking free from Tristan. "Yeah! I knew it!"
The clerk nodded, and handed off the duel disk, which Joey eagerly accepted, laughing gleefully.
"Battle City Tournament, here we come!" Yugi declared.
As they all walked out, Tea teasing Joey about losing his temper, Rain glanced over her shoulder, looking suspiciously at the clerk. Kaiba giving Joey the lowest rank possible out of spite sounded way more convincing than a glitch in that perfectionist's system.
Something wasn't right.

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