Chapter 33: Isolation (Kinda) in Cyberspace and Freeze Play

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I own nothing.
Chapter 33: Dueling in Cyberspace

Neither Yugi nor Rain could tell exactly when they lost consciousness, but it had to be at some point during their fall as the next thing either of them knew, they woke up, side-by-side, and alone with each other.
Rain sat up, groaning. "Yugi, you okay?"
"Yeah." He responded. "You?"
"A little dizzy, but I'm fine."
Looking around, Rain noticed that they were in a completely different area, this one being a marsh biome with a lake, complete with such ambiance as buzzing insects. Yugi pushed himself up before pulling his companion to her feet.
"All this stuff looks pretty real." He said, glancing around. "It's hard to believe that everything here is virtual."
"Well, you'd better get used to this place." Gansley's voice warned from nowhere. "Because I'm going to make sure you never leave!"
"Gansley, you cowardly snake!" Rain spat. "Show yourself!"
The water of the marsh rippled as a figure, Deepsea Warrior, emerged, a duel disk on his arm.
"Are you both familiar with the phrase 'it's time to duel'?"
"Hey!" Both duelists snapped, feeling insulted.
"Well, this is the last time either of you are ever going to hear it!"
"Gansley?" Rain said in disbelief.
"Why, don't you recognize me, Ms. (L/N)? Now you're gone and hurt my feelings. I am Gansley, former Vice President of Business Strategy at Kaiba Corp and the proud founding member of the Big Five, but for now, I've taken the form of the Deepsea Warrior."
"Big deal, Gansley." Yugi said, his tone rightfully aggressive. "You don't scare us! I know that behind your virtual disguise is nothing but a feeble old man! You wouldn't stand a chance in a duel against either of us if your life depended on it!"
The duel monster avatar smirked. "Did you say 'my life'? Yugi, once I defeat you, I'll finally have a life again!"
"Like we're gonna let that happen!" Rain argued. "And even if you managed to weasel out of this place, you and your friends haven't changed one bit, Gansley! You'd just squander any new lease on life you got!"
"I don't recall asking the opinion of a duelist incapable of dueling."
Yugi reacted in a split second to restrained Rain, who immediately tried pouncing at her old foe.
"Rain, cool it!" Yugi pleaded.
(Y/N), deciding to not risk Rain literally throwing herself at the enemy, forced a switch, which allowed Yugi to let go.
"As hot tempered as ever, Ms. (L/N)." Gansley mocked. "Regardless of what you do, you and your friends will never escape."
Given that threat, both spirits and vessels all appeared, nodding to each other and agreeing to put an end to this madness before it began. Yugi handed off control to Yami, you instinctively stepped in front of (Y/N).
"Listen, Gansley: you and your partners won't succeed in trapping our friends here. Mark my words."
"Really?" The old man mocked. "That's if you can keep up with the new rules."
"Just try me." Yami growled.
"Very well. You remember my demonstration of our patented Deck Master System of dueling, don't you? Since I have already taken the form of a monster, I will serve as both duelist and Deck Master! Now, it's time for you to build your virtual deck."
"With what?" (Y/N) asked before a wall of cards appeared before them.
"Your cards aren't valid in this world, so you'll have to build a new deck from our card database. Rain, feel free to as well, though I doubt you'll have the means to use it."
(Y/N) didn't even give him the satisfaction of a glare as she and Yami built their decks separately, though mostly choosing to recreate their own decks with some modifications.
"All right." Yami declared. "Let's begin this duel."
"How quickly we forget." Gansley said. "You still have to choose your Deck Master. Each monster card has its own special Deck Master ability under our new system. Of course, I won't tell you what those abilities are."
"No, that would only prove you aren't absolute scum." (Y/N) spat as Yami went over the cards in his deck.
Just as Yami seemed to be leaning towards Dark Magician out of familiarity, the Kuriboh card just next to it began to move, making both duelists look at it in confusion. The tiny furball then leapt out of the card, dancing around the two spirits gleefully and nuzzling up to Yami.
"Interesting choice." Gansley noted as Yami put up his hand.
"Hold on. I didn't choose him."
From the deck that appeared in (Y/N)'s pocket, an equally familiar monster emerged, sitting on her shoulder with his tail curled lightly around her neck.
"Ori?" (Y/N) asked, confused as to why he had appeared when she wasn't the one dueling.
Both Ori and Kuriboh began to chatter in their own tongues, nudging their owners lovingly as Gansley smirked.
"Sorry, Deck Master rules."
"Right." (Y/N) said, not buying it for a moment as she pet her ace monster. "Though I can't claim to understand either of them, I think Ori is trying to tell you to put your faith in Kuriboh."
"Is that it?" Yami asked as Ori chattered back. He then looked down at Kuriboh. "I didn't choose you, but now we must win this together."
"Kuri! Kuri!" Kuriboh chirped, determined.
The duel commenced and out of the gate, Yami was on the back foot, having to discard cards due to flip effects and Deepsea Warrior's Deck Master ability redirecting all of his monster's strength right back at him. (Y/N) could recall a time when she had witnessed Gansley playing a game with Carter, both Rain and Kaiba watching from the sidelines. Gansley wasn't a slouch when it came to battle prowess and tactics, having a deep understanding of business strategy and Japanese warfare tactics. However, Carter had outfoxed the old coot, having a far wider and more diverse understanding of strategies due to their Wayfarer background. She smirked as she remembered how Carter had sat both Kaiba brothers, Rain, and Gansley down for a lesson about how to win a battle is understanding and utilizing every piece in their arsenal, no matter how unassuming or weak it seemed to be. Seto was president of Kaiba Corp by then, so he had only half listened out of respect for a business partner, but Gansley seemed to spitefully disregard the elder (L/N), as he kept constantly mocking Yami for using Kuriboh as his Deck Master. (Y/N) was worried for Yami though. The mental toll of all of those direct attacks was adding up, and she knew for a fact he wasn't exactly fully healed from his bout with Marik
Ultimately, Ori's advice about trusting in Kuriboh was the deciding factor, as summoning the Deck Master had saved them from a defeat. Still, both Yugi and Yami stumbled, and (Y/N) raced forward to brace her husband.
"Are you two all right?"
Yami winced, but nodded. "I think so. It appears Ori was right about things."
The small spirit monster chattered victoriously as the former queen smiled. "Aren't you the one always saying to trust in the heart of the cards?"
He nodded again, before turning to his opponent, (Y/N) still propping him up. "All right, Gansley, this duel's not done."
"Your furry little powder puff blocks one attack, and you think you've won?" Gansley mocked. "I'm afraid nothing could be further from the truth. Thanks to the Deck Master rules, now that you've activated Kuriboh to defend yourself, you've introduced him to the playing field. That means I'm now allowed to attack your little furball, which means you'll automatically lose! Make your final, pathetic move, not that you have any options! You only have Kuriboh. What can he do?"
"Wait and see." Yami shot back as he drew. "You like to do a lot of talking, Gansley. Now it's my turn to give the advice: misjudging the power of the small can be a big mistake. I guess they never taught you that, so Kuriboh and I will just have to teach you this lesson the hard way."
"You're just bluffing!" Gansley shouted.
"Oh that's not his bluffing voice, believe me." (Y/N) joked as the old man glared at them in frustration.
"No matter what card he drew, there's nothing that can stop me!"
"Really?" Yami challenged, revealing Swift Gaia, the Fierce Knight.
Gansley laughed. "Remember my special ability? Attack me with whatever monster you like! I'll just reflect it back on you!"
"I wouldn't be so sure." Yami taunted, looking to Kuriboh who squeaked in approval. "I activate my facedown! Behold the magic card: Rainbow Blessing! When this card is combined with Kuriboh, a great power is released." A rainbow light engulfed the small monster, turning its fur to a rainbow pattern. "All right, Kuriboh, form the Rainbow Arch!"
Kuriboh leapt into the area, creating a pathway right to Gansley and (Y/N) quickly realized what Yami was about to do.
"I summon Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight! And now, to put you out of business, Gansley!" Gaia appeared, his horse rearing up with a war-like neigh. "I'm afraid your monsters are not my target. I'm aiming directly for you lifepoints!"
With a leap, the knight was running along the rainbow bridge, charging straight at the man with fearsome intent.
Gansley panicked, realizing he was finished. "But how!? I analyzed every aspect of this duel!"
"Except the most important factor." (Y/N) corrected. "You were quick to disregard Kuriboh, and you'll suffer the consequences for it!"
With a roar, Gaia pierced Gansley's chest, ending the duel as the old cursed them.
"You brats! I was so close to escaping this virtual nightmare! I won't go out alone!"
As his Deepsea Warrior avatar began to disintegrate, Gansley's remaining monsters charged at the two. (Y/N) raised up her bracelet, but Ori leapt from her shoulder. With a growl, the small beast whipped his tail, sending a barrage of blue flames through the monsters and burning Gransley's puppet to cinders as he screeched.
The couple merely blinked as Ori turned to them with a look that appeared to be expecting praise.
"...did you know he could do that?" Yami asked.
"Uh, no." Her husband suddenly flinched and began to drop to his knees, forcing (Y/N) prop him up again. "Yami!"
"I-I'm fine." He tried to insist as (Y/N) pulled him back to his feet. "Though I'm glad that's over. We should go find our friends."
"I agree, but you need to rest." His wife insisted as Kuriboh returned to their side, nudging Yami again. "I think Kuriboh agrees. Thank you for protecting him, little one."
The little monster squeaked joyfully as he vanished, though Ori remained, jumping back onto his mistress's shoulder. Yami couldn't help but pet the white spirit beast in gratitude.
"It seems as though we have another companion."
"So it does." (Y/N) then squeezed his hand. "Rest, kianga, please."
He nodded. "Yes, shagngu."
Both spirits handed control back to their vessels as a door suddenly appeared in front of them.
"Think this could lead us to the others?" Yugi asked as Rain pursed her lips.
"I don't think we have much of a choice. Come on!"
With the Wayfarer in the lead, the two entered a dark hallway, running for quite some time before Yugi stopped to catch his breath.
"Does this tunnel ever end!? How are you still going, Rain!?"
"Lot of cardio on my trips." Rain answered back. "Gotta make up for short legs. Besides, something tells me Noah gets to decide when this tunnel ends. That kid is in complete control of this place."
"Well, that won't stop us from finding everyone else!"
Rain nodded in agreement as the two continued to run only to be stopped as another portal appeared, sending them plummeting once more as they landed in a room with four doors and no way to tell where to go.
"What are the odds picking the wrong door will lead to a grizzly boobytrap?" Rain asked as Yami and (Y/N) appeared to assist them.
"I'd say probable to certain." The former queen answered.
"Then which door do we choose?" Yugi asked. "We can't just stay stuck here."
"We can try testing the doors." Yami suggested before looking at his wife's partner. "Rain, do you think Ori can summon his spirit flames like before?"
She shrugged. "Worth a shot. Ori! Go for it!"
Ori leapt from his perch on her shoulder as he launched his attack at the nearest door, causing it to burst out in a ghoulish light.
"Good call, Yami." Yugi thanked, grateful no one had to get hurt to test that.
"We won our duel, but I sense a whole new game has just begun."
(Y/N) nodded. "Tread carefully, you two. We don't know what sick plans Noah has in store for us."
"Man, it's cold." Tea's voice suddenly said in all of their minds. "I can't take this much longer!"
"Tea!" Rain shouted as Yugi glanced around.
"Tea, we're here! Tell us where you are!"
Rain felt a seeping chill set into her, along with a growing panic as her free hand instinctively dug into her shoulder. "S-she's in trouble."
"We have to find her, fast!" Yugi said as Yami growled.
"Noah's letting us hear her to torture us. What a cruel trick."
"Not just hearing in some of our cases." (Y/N) said, noting Rain becoming distraught. "Rain?"
"I'm fine." The girl insisted. "We have to figure out how to get out of here. There has to be some sort of puzzle to the doors!"
"She's correct." Yami agreed. "Look above the doors."
Yugi did so, seeing a familiar shape. "A star. Of course! In Duel Monsters, stars represent a card's strength."
"I'd wager a one star monster awaits us behind that door."
"Then we just need to beat it to get through!"
Yugi pulled out his duel disk and summoned Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress, which easily tore apart the feathered serpent that appeared to battle it, clearing the path forward. Everyone ran through, only to end up seemingly right back where they started.
"We don't seem to be getting anywhere!" Yugi shouted in frustration as Tea's voice again called to them.
"It's...freezing...My legs are...numb!"
Rain flinched as the numbing cold seized her.
"We're coming, Tea!" Yugi called out.
"Yugi, Yami." (Y/N) spoke up. "Look at the ground. There are scorch marks from Ori's attack. We've gone in a circle!"
"I feel as though we should also wonder why Ori didn't trigger the trap." Rain added, though they all decided to put a pin in that.
"There has to be a clue we're missing." Yami said as the girls studied the doors once more.
"Maybe the stars aren't just monster level?" Yugi suggested. "Maybe they're supposed to guide us?"
Rain nodded. "Okay. Maybe it's as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4? We've only gone through door number 1, so, I guess it's time to up the difficulty. Yugi, hit the second door."
He nodded, drawing. "Right! Go Obnoxious Celtic Guardian!"
The elf warrior cleaved through the monster, opening the new path for them to run through. It seemed as if Yugi's suspicions had been corrected as the next room didn't have the scorch marks made by Ori and one less door. The two still heard Tea as they ran, and Rain seemed to become more and more sluggish as she was able to feel the biting cold their friend was, something Yugi was obviously not affected by.
"I'm gonna kill that kid." She muttered as Yugi and Yami handled the doors and the traps.
(Y/N) looked at her, very concerned.
"Rain, we should switch."
"I'm fine."
"You are clearly not fine!"
Eventually, Yugi managed to break down the final door, allowing the two teens to plunge into an icy cavern. Beyond a thick panel of ice, they could spot Tea dueling...a penguin? The girl was half frozen in ice and it was a wonder she was still capable of fighting back.
"Tea!" Yugi yelled, banging against the ice. "We're here! Stay strong!"
Tea couldn't seem to hear him, and despite not being able to hear in their end, it was clear the duel was turning for the worst as she continued to be frozen. Rain could feel every agonizing sting as though she were the one being frozen, and as Yugi desperately tried to break through, Rain could feel herself shaking. Ori whimpered, his paws gripping her shoulder as (Y/N) appeared in front of her.
"Rain, listen to me: you need to focus. Stay in the present."
Memories of spinning, of rushing blood, of the deafening sound of a crash overlapped over the former queen's voice as Rain's could feel herself drift that...that awful night. However, a single thing rang her ear that tethered her to the now: Yugi crying.
Something clicked in Rain as Yugi's deck suddenly began to glow as Dark Magician appeared in front of him. Ori leapt into the air once more as a dark aura surrounded him, along with a flurry of pitch black feathers.
"YUGI! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Rain screamed as she realized who was coming.
The star haired boy barely had time to dodge as Kuro replaced Ori with a piercing screech. With a fearsome flap of her wings, the dread owl combined her might with Dark Magician, shattering the ice barrier. As Dark Magician appeared on Tea's side of the field, finishing the duel with Tea's Dark Magician Girl, Kuro roughly snatched Yugi and Rain, flying them over to her patch of ice. When the owl had freed up her talons, she sent a blast of wind at Tea, freeing her from the ice. She immediately collapsed, her fall broken by Yugi and Rain.
"Tea!" Yugi yelled as their brunette friend slowly regained consciousness.
"Y-yugi? Rain?" She asked weakly.
Yugi smiled, sitting her up. "You did it!"
"I-I had some help." She joked before bursting into tears, hugging them both. "Yugi, I was almost a human ice pop! I'm so glad to see you guys!"
"W-WHAT IS THAT THING!?" Crump's voice screamed from the Nightmare Penguin.
Tea and Yugi looked to see Kuro practically whipping up a storm with her wings as she glared the older man down. Crump himself was in a panic, not understanding what was happening.
"T-that thing isn't like the other monsters! What did you do!?"
"Yugi, what's happening?" Tea asked, concerned that Rain's most intimidating monster was on the loose.
"I don't know either, but something's been up with Rain's deck since we got here. Rain, how did you know Kuro was...Rain?"
It was then that the two realized their usually outspoken friend hadn't said a word in all this, and in truth, she hadn't moved either. Looking down, both were shocked to see Rain seemingly frozen in fear, her eyes distant.
The two immediately were on opposite sides of the girl.
"Rain, what's wrong!?" Yugi asked desperately as Tea reached out to the Wayfarer.
"Did you get hurt!? Let me see!"
(Y/N) was suddenly in front of Rain. "Yugi, don't you or Tea touch her!"
Yugi immediately stopped Tea as he looked at the queen. "(Y/N), what's wrong with Rain!?"
(Y/N) ignored him, kneeling at eye level with her partner. "Rain, don't drift in the memories. You have to anchor yourself. Focus on my voice, Rain."
The girl shook lightly. "It'"
"Listen to me, Rain. Feel what's under your hand. It's ice, not a car seat! You're right side up! I'm here. Yugi, Tea, and Yami are here. You aren't trapped! You aren't alone!"
The Wayfarer girl let out some regraded breaths, still caught in whatever daze she was trapped in. Then, Crump let out a cruel laugh.
"Oh, how rude of me to forget! Not a fan of the cold, Ms. (L/N)? I suppose no one would be after such a...brutal night out on the ice. Well, if you need to cry, be my guest. Not like your parents could hear you the first time."
Yugi watched in horror as the blood all but drained from her face and her eyes became hollow. Tears streamed down her face, and Tea glared at Crump.
Just then, the Millennium Bracelet glowed with an almost malicious light. (Y/N) had clearly had enough as she forced a switch. For a moment, the former queen's expression was shadowed before she turned to glare down their enemy. Yugi couldn't help but compare her expression to the one Yami had given Yami Bakura when he had finally remembered what Bakura had done to (Y/N). It was just as hate filled and murderous as his. That look alone put the fear of the gods in Crump, but the true threat was Kuro. The owl seemed to resonate with the rage of her mistress, so she needed no instructions as she descended upon the Nightmare Penguin. The dreaded owl of Nibel was famed for her cruelty, and she made Crump endure every bit of it as Tea and Yugi looked away in horror. When it was finally over, (Y/N) stood up as Kuro returned to their side.
"(Y/N)?" Yugi asked, concerned.
The Wayfarer Queen only hopped onto her monster. "Kuro will fly us to the mainland. We'll look for the others then."
Sensing (Y/N) was not going to give them an explanation, Yugi and Tea hesitantly boarded the monster, who flew them back to solid land. Mercifully, Kuro seemed to know her duty was finished as she transformed back into Ori, who ran in front of them. The little light spirit somehow seemed to know where he was going and the trio walked in an awkward silence as they followed their impromptu guide. Yugi glanced at (Y/N) every so often, debating whether or not he should switch to Yami to see if the former queen would be willing to explain what he'll just happened to her husband, but in all honesty, he was just too concerned about Rain.
Luckily, Tea was willing to be more forward. "(Y/N), what was that?"
" not my place to say, Tea."
"(Y/N), Rain completely shut down. If she needs help, we're here. We'll listen. Right, Yugi?"
He nodded. "Rain, it's okay if you can't tell us anything, but please, let us help."
(Y/N) sighed, unsure of what to do when Rain appeared at her side, still clearly shaking.
"(Y/N), it's okay. I-I want to tell them."
"Are you sure? It can wait until we get somewhere warmer."
"It's fine. You were right. I-I need to get it off my chest, or I'll choke on it."
"If you're sure."
Rain regaining control made her expression more sullen and drained, but Yugi was at least grateful her eyes had a little in them, however dim they may be.
"Rain?" Yugi asked. "What was that?"
She couldn't meet either of their gazes. "...I told you my parents died in an accident."
"I remember."
"Mokuba said it was somewhere cold." Tea added.
Rain nodded. "I was with them when it happened."
The two looked at her in complete shock which morphed into a depressed empathy.
Tea covered her mouth. "Oh Rain."
"We went on a trip to this ski resort. It was my first time seeing snow, and I just remembered being so enamored by it, that my mom had to drag me inside so I wouldn't get frostbite." The Wayfarer seemed like she wanted to smile, but it was if her face could emote correctly. "The night we left, we were driving down the mountain, and I just kept bugging my dad about when we could come back, if I could get snowboarding lessons when I was older, just all this...stupid crap. I-I shouldn't have been distracting him and mom. This guy suddenly showed up in the middle of the road, just this...idiot standing in the middle of a dark road in the snow! My dad swerved and...we went over."
Rain flinched as she recalled the world spinning and the feeling of death. She also remembered her parents screaming, her mom crying her name.
"When it was over, I was still in my seat. The car was completely flipped and I was just stuck there, hanging upside down, crying 'mommy, daddy, help me!'. I just cried until my voice gave out and it was so cold, I thought my skin was gonna fall off, but I never heard them say a word. Eventually, I passed out. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in the hospital, and gramps is in my room sobbing over me. I'd...never seen him like that. I found out later my parents had died on impact. I was crying for dead people and I didn't even know it. After I got out, gramps took me in. I fought so hard to forget it, but every time it gets just a bit too cold, I'm back in that car, freezing to death and crying for my parents."
The story came to an abrupt end as Yugi and Tea just stared at their friend, trying to process everything Rain had admitted to them. Their bright, cheerful friend, who had stuck her neck for them time and time again had been carrying this the entire time, and not one of them was the wiser.
Yugi suddenly embraced her and Rain felt her whole body go stiff.
"I' sorry, Rain." Was all Yugi could say. "I can't make it go away, I'd do it in a heartbeat if I could, but I can't. But I'm here, Rain. Tea's here. All of our friends are here for you, so you sink back into those memories, we'll be there to make sure you get out of them. I...we won't you drown."
Rain felt her tears again, and finally, she broke down. She couldn't remember a time where she had cried like this in front of someone, not even her gramps, but it felt...strangely cathartic, letting it all out. Tea joined in the hug, holding Rain alongside Ori as Yugi again took off his jacket to put it around her, anything to remind her she wasn't alone. (Y/N) watched from a bit away, a guilt weighing in her heart. She had a duty to protect Rain from whatever threat came, but this was the one thing she couldn't protect Rain from, no matter how hard she tried. She felt Yami's presence beside her and wordlessly placed her head against his shoulder. Yami said nothing, simply offering his wife support however he could. Yugi saw the two, and as he and Tea continued to comfort Rain, he understood something:
He understood Yami's rage at Bakura during that duel. After all, why had Noah made sure only Rain could feel the cold Tea had been feeling? It couldn't be a coincidence if Crump had also been privy to the information. He had done this, purposely, to torture Rain.
And he'd make him pay for it.

I seem to have a habit of giving my character's survivor's guilt and I don't know why. Also, please let me know if I have in any way messed up my depiction of Rain's PTSD as I understand how serious this topic is. Also, there's a reason the Big Five know about Rain's attacks and let's just say there's a reason beyond warmongering Carter hates Gozubaru. And for a sneak peak, some eagle eyed readers who watched the series might be getting some daja vu.

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