Track 8

382 43 17


"Oh, oh! Gwo bòs! Gwo bòs!" Alaia marvels at my matte black Porsche Macan, running her fingers against the frame. My eyes are on the real showstopper as she gapes at my ride. She chose a cream Outkast graphic tee and brown biker shorts for her outfit today. Despite her laid-back look, she exudes a breath of elegance, making her the most stunning woman in California. Her dark skin glistens like a precious brown diamond as the sun's rays kiss her melanin. Pursuing an intimate relationship with her is unwise, but my attraction continues to bloom.

I unlock the door and pop the trunk. Without delay, the songstress jumps right into my whip. She emits unintelligible, comical words as she explores the interior while I stuff her belongings in the trunk. The comments are short and dramatic. They must be exclamations in her first language. "Can I have this?" she asks, peering back at me.

I store her final suitcase before facing her. A cheeky grin flaunts her flawless teeth and protruding cheekbones. A part of me wants to say, "You can have anything you desire." Instead, I give a neutral response. "Have what?"

"The car." With a hearty chuckle, I slam the trunk in a swift motion. She's tripping for real. She ain't getting my baby.

Alaia's sweet giggle floats over the hum of the air conditioner. "It smells so good in here. Everything looks so lavish. I feel so wealthy." She acts as if there's a mob outside her window. Her hand covers her face as she shouts, "No pictures, please! I'm an ordinary girl, just like you!"

Her attractiveness is effortless, and so is her humor. She never struggles with words and consistently says something captivating or hilarious. "Yo, you're wild," I say. My finger taps on my screen, bringing up my Apple Music library. Alaia hesitates when I offer the device to her. "Use it. Play what you want."

"Use it? What if one of your girlfriends sends you a nude?"

"Then ignore it." Those kissable, full lips of hers part and her jaw drops. Before I can tell myself not to, I'm licking my lips.

She snatches the phone with a faint smile. "Gimme that, whore."

"Whore?!" I ask. Alaia searches for what she's in the mood for, ignoring me as she attempts to hide a grin. "I don't have girlfriends. I have one girl, but she's not a girlfriend."

"Whatever you say, Sir Slidin'."

The opening notes of "I Hate U" by SZA play. "Oh, somebody got you in your feelings?" I tease. I raise an eyebrow at Alaia before shifting the gear into drive.

"Nope. I'm too gorgeous to be in my feelings. Let's talk about you and your not-girlfriend."


"Because you're too honest for your good, and I want all your tea." She says it as if it's simple. "Wait, you can drive, right?" Her hands clutch the seatbelt as if ready to unfasten it and tumble out of my ride.

"Nah, I stole my license." A fierce eye roll is her reaction to my sarcastic comment. Alaia squints her eyes at me. Her eyes pierce into me like a lioness preparing to pounce on its prey. Sexy. "Nah, for real, I'm decent when I take my meds. I took them today, so we'll survive."

Her grip on the seatbelt relaxes, and she returns to searching through my music. "Good. I don't play with reckless driving. I got into a nasty accident when I was sixteen." There's a brief silence. "But back to your girlfriend. I mean, your not girlfriend."

"Chill. There's an emphasis on the 'not.' She's just a shorty I kick it with." The car comes to a gradual stop as we approach a red light. A smile of intrigue crosses Alaia's face as if she's thirsty for more tea. "Don't start that question shit," I groan. It's embarrassing enough she's aware that I want to pin her legs back and fuck her until she floods the bedroom. She doesn't need more ammunition to tease me.

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