Track 25

317 40 5


As the waves roar alongside the beach, Alaia's beam outshines the rooftop restaurant's decorative lighting and the moon, too. Love-infused jazz melodies consume the air, swaying and serenading Malibu's most enchanting seaside eatery. Rose petals pirouette around our feet, guided by the soothing breeze, as we indulge in the finest seafood delicacies.

Somebody somewhere is cursing the rich asshole who paid triple the nightly income for a private date night. I'm sure I soiled someone's proposal plans, but it's hard to feel guilty with this gorgeous woman across from me.

That black, lacy dress is molding to her toned body, sticking like syrup and giving glimpses of the sacred parts of her dark, smooth skin. How fortunate am I to bask in her elegance, how privileged am I to be a source of her laughter, a reason for her smile. She could spend her limited free time with anyone else, but she chose me. Her sparkling eyes express how elated she is to be on our first date. My foolish grin reciprocates the feeling as I hope for millions more.

"I forgot to ask earlier," Alaia says, cycling her fork in her seafood alfredo pasta. "How's it going with your mom, boubou? You called, wi?" As she chews, she nods her approval and elicits soft hums of delectation that'd make any chef blush.

Tequila glides down my throat after gulping my third margarita, which, once strong, now tastes like water. "Oh shit...yeah," I reply. "It went well. We're going to work on our relationship." Alaia claps and does a celebratory dance that's too energetic for the jazzy rhythms. I hold my belly as I crack up at the abrupt movements. If I drank three, she had to demolish five cocktails. Though she can down her drinks, liquor flows right through her. With each sip, her playfulness has been escalating. "Yo, no more drinking for you," I say through my cackles.

When I reach for her glass, she hits me with a sweet, "I'm proud so of you, boubou." My reflexes melt as she takes my hand. "That had to be challenging, scary even." She releases a quiet, ironic laugh. "I've been procrastinating with my parents, but you've inspired me."

I stroke my thumb against the back of her delicate palm. "Thank you, princess. I feel lighter now that I called her. Everything seems like it's flowing in the right direction in our relationship. It's never been that way. I couldn't have done that without your help." Squeezing her hand gently, I lend it a peck. "You're going to give your parents a call soon?"

With a quick eye shift, she rewards me with an adorable, mischievous smile. "I said you inspired me. Inspiration takes time! I'll day."

"Very persuasive," I tease.

She retracts from our clasp, then whines and throws her head back, swaying it in a mini-tantrum. Once her rapid outburst finishes, she fixes me with pouted lips. "I can confidently say I'm not depressed right now. After I contact them, I may not be able to. I'm enjoying the moment, my life."

"If you ask me, I love that you're putting yourself first. I wouldn't blame you if you never spoke to your parents again." I take a bite from my vanishing blackened salmon and swallow. "But you said you have lessons you still have to learn from them. You've been adamant about calling. So, as someone who has never benefited from being a master procrastinator, I'm holding you accountable. If you think you need to reach out, do it within three days."

With a slight smirk, Alaia crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow, silently challenging me. "I know you aren't telling me what to do."

Chuckling, I shake my head at her. "We'll talk about it when you're not a tipsy brat." Alcohol courses through my body with an exhilarating heat as I finish my margarita. My date copies my actions before I can stop her. Her tongue swipes salt from her lips, and they tweak naughtily.

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