Diligent Demonstration

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I wake up with a succor feeling, thankful that the nausea that once filled my body was now gone. After  price gave me those pills, the affect of the alcohol had now worn off, and I finally feel back to normal. I leave my room and go back into the living room, seeing the only one remaining is ghost, and no longer the team

"Hey" i awkwardly say as I sit down next to ghost, who is quietly on his phone. It's pretty rare to see him on any electronics. This is the first time I've witnessed it. His phone has a black protective case with raised edges, as well as a glass screen protector thats cracked from the right corner down to the bottom

He looks to me surprised as I sit down beside him
"feeling better?"

"I am, actually. Price gave me medicine that would help with the nausea and my excruciating headaches"

"Working his magic as always"
he tucks his phone into his back pocket, putting it away as he puts his attention on me

I can't seem to look away as I stare into his eyes, getting lost in my risque thoughts

"Sorry" I laugh out of embarrassment

"Did you need something?"

"Need something?" I ask as I raise my eyebrows, acting oblivious to his question

"Well You're staring at me like you want to ask a question" his raspy voice sends a fluttering feeling in my stomach as he tilts his head as if he's trying to read my mind

"So Where is everyone?" I change the topic

"They left to go pick up some food from Alejandro's favorite restaurant. They should be back in about two hours, it's quite a drive. I'm not sure why he likes that place so much"

Two hours..

"That sounds nice"
the dull words come out my mouth as I try and find something to say, other than feeding into the real reason I'm sitting by him

"You sure you don't want to ask something else?" He says with a small smirk as he looks into my eyes

Okay. He knew.

And I did to.

"You really want me to tell you?"

"Yes, I want to hear you say it. So why don't you tell me" he slightly moves closer to me, not breaking his eye contact

"there's one thing I had in mind"
I give him a light smile as I slowly glide my hand against his thigh. He looks down at my hand with a surprised expression, due to my sudden touchiness. He knows we're both getting comfortable with touching each other, so whenever I touch him it's a barrier break

"That's what you want?"
I can see him smile under his mask. He tilts his head as he grasps my hand, moving it
farther up

I look into his glistening eyes with desperation. He stares at me, knowing  exactly what I want from him

"Stand up"
he demands as he gently grabs my wrist, walking in front of me as he guides me to the bedroom

But not my bedroom.
His bedroom

I swallow hard in anticipation as my stomach feels like it's doing cartwheels

Simon Ghost Riley  'Tough Love' Where stories live. Discover now