Unplanned Events

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"Well I think that does it Querida"

"I think so"
I give Alejandro a small smile and we both stand up from the ground. He makes his way to the targets and picks them up as I follow behind

"You go on inside. I'll clean up"

"Thank you"
I head into the base. Sweat drips down my body until I enter the air conditioned base

"Have fun?"
A low raspy voice comes from in front of me

"Jesus Christ ghost"
I shake my head as I try to push through him

"Not so fast"
he moves the same way I do to prevent me from passing

"Do we have a problem?"
I say confused, stopping to look up at him

"We need to talk"
He says blankly. The lack of emotion on his face is creating a suspense. It's tells me something isn't quite right

I follow ghost into prices office. In the office is price waiting as he sits behind his desk. Ghost closes the door behind me and a swallow what's left in my throat

"Hello Adira"
Price says, giving me a soft smile which immediately puts me at ease

"Do you mind telling me why I am creepily being lured into your office...you're not gonna kill me right?" I joke, letting out a small laugh

"No no" he smiles "it's actually more serious than that" he looks away

"What's more serious than being killed?"
I furrow my brows

"Being killed by someone that we thought was secured in prison"
he says sternly, looking back at me as he itched his head as if he didn't want to say that

Ghost crosses his arms and leans his back against the door

"Let's cut to the chase here... Shepherd made the dumb bloody idea to let Wolf out of custody. His prison cell is now empty because he thinks he won't come after us-"

I shout, walking forward to prices desk

"That's why I got ghost to bring you in here. I know how serious you take our missions, and I like that about you. Trust me when I say this, I've had my share with shepherd and he knows I'm very unpleased with his actions"

I look behind me to ghost, immediately making eye contact with him, he seems not to be able to keep it as he clinched his jaw and moved his eyes to the floor

"So what are we gonna do?"
I turn back to price

"We'll figure that out"

"Can you at least tell me what words were exchanged?"


"You're going to answer me, and you're going to answer me now. How the hell did wolf get out of that jail cell?" Price asks furiously

"I made some arrangements. My team has our reasons and i expect you to respect that"

"Respect tha- You're out of your mind, general. He stole deadly weapons from you and you're gonna let him out? Do you know what kind of risk this is for us?"

Simon Ghost Riley  'Tough Love' Where stories live. Discover now