Sneaky Steal

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"What's with you and Adira?"
Soap asks as he walks with Ghost to the shed

"She didn't like what I said"

"Well, what did you say?"

"I told her to get her head out of her ass and have some compassion because she had an attitude to you, and hell is just a smartass"

"Sounds like someone I know"
Soap laughs

"Fuckin hell Johnny"

Soap and Ghost walk into the shed and begin searching for oil and ammo through the cabinets

"Where's the bloody ammo?"
Ghost asks

"Left top cabinet"
Soap points, Ghost finding the ammo behind an empty box. Soap gets the oil and places it on the wooden counter that's in front of them screwed onto the wall at waist level

"What gun are you taking apart to oil? Price already oiled one last week"

"No worry's, it's mine"
Soap says as he grabs a rifle off the mounted wall rack in front of them

"I don't think I've ever seen you oil a gun before now that I've thought about it"
Ghost says as he leans against the counter in judgement

"It's not that difficult. All I need is this SLiP2000 weapons lubricant and we're good to go. It doesn't leave residue either"

"But the question is, do you know what you're doing?"

"Give me a bloody break"
Soap rasps out in annoyance

"That's not an answer"
Ghost squints his eyes

"Listen you bastard, all I have to do is the charging handle track, underside of the bolt carrier, the cam pin and slot, bolt lugs, bolt body, and everything else that needs to be fucking lubricated"

"Alright then"
Ghost tilts his head and turns back to his gun that he's taken off the rack

"Should I be asking if you know how to load a gun, or did you remember the basics too?"

"Fuck off"
Ghost shakes his head with a slight chuckle between his words

But all it took was a few seconds for Soap to notice something wasn't quite right when he looked at Ghosts holster

"Where's your pistol?"
Soap asks with a confused expression as he sees it missing from his holster

Ghosts eyes are squinted, filled with confusion not knowing his gun was even gone in the first place. But that confusion quickly turns into agitation after he remembers what that means

"Adira has it"
He leans his head back from realization

"Why the hell would Adira have your gun mate?"

"She pulled a gun on me in training when I dropped her. Guess she stole mine instead of sticking to using her demo one"
Ghost looks away and continues filling a mag with ammo

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