Spinning Secrets

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"Lay down"
He throws his pants off the bed and onto
the floor

I desperately whisper out

"Tell me what you want"

"I want you"
My chest heaving, and my mind getting more impatient by the minute as I try to control
my body

"What a desperate little girl"
He places his hand on the side of my face

He dips his face down, his mouth scending on mine once again, more possessive, more dominant. His lips moving against mine, not so sacred emotions flying throughout us.

The temperature, the air thicker, tension stealing every last bit of oxygen out of our lungs

"Can you be good and be quiet?"
I nod, prepared to finally feel him slide between my legs

He lowers himself, slowly leaving kisses on my thighs, taking his time to make me wait longer

He makes his way back up to me and grabs my wrists, lifting them above me to pin them down
against the mattress

"Keep your hands above your head love"
He tells me and lets go, trusting me to listen to what he says. I just want to melt into my mattress after every word he speaks. It's not fair the way he makes me feel, but I don't feel to bad knowing I do the same thing to him

I get lost in my thoughts and he suddenly slides into me, resulting in me letting out a short gasp. I immediately grab onto his biceps without thinking, forgetting what he just told me prior

He quickly grabs my wrists and pins them down harder

"Always so disobedient"
He tilts his head down, practically whisperers into my ear

I say sarcastically with a small smirk

Without warning, he thrusts into me hard from my smart comment, making me moan loudly

"What did i say?"
He says in a deep voice. He told me to be quiet earlier, but I really don't care who hears at this point. I just want him to fuck me

He grabs onto my waist with his large hands, thrusting into me faster than before. The moan I attempted to let out was quickly muffled by ghosts hand that was now on my mouth

"Fuck Simon"
I breathe out through his hand

His eyes rolling back, as he listens to me say his name while he slides in and out of me. I've only called him by his name once, and that was when I was drunk. But I'm not now, I'm sober, and damn right sane.

He lets out a deep growl as he presses down on my lower stomach, making the pleasure of him inside of me intensify

I can't help but close my eyes as tight as I can to prevent the moans from slipping out
my mouth

"Open your eyes. You're going to watch"
He quickly demands once he notices my
eyes shut

"I can't ghost"
I breath out as I tightly roll my lips

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