Room To Spare

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"What's there?"

"You four. As soon as you can"
• • •

"Enough coffee to spare?"
Ghost says coming up behind me in the dark kitchen as the guys get ready in there rooms, me and him already wearing our gear

I turn around, remembering the last argument we had. When I think about it, maybe it was a little dramatic, unnecessary you could say

I stand there without an answer, looking into his bright eyes to process if the way I've treated him was really worth it, or if I was just frustrated from the stress of the new mission.

"Something you need to say?"
His deep morning voice makes his accent way more pronounced than before

"There's enough coffee"
I force a smile, not giving him the new answer that he wanted. I move to my right and walk past him, But before I could make it out of the kitchen he softly grabs my wrist, knowing not to be to rough to avoid my anger and impatience that may arise

I back up and turn towards him, waiting for a response regarding him wanting me to stay, but he doesn't give me one. He lets out a slow sigh as he stares into my confused eyes, his more blank and unreadable

He releases his hand from my wrist, taking as step towards me to close the distance as he slides his hands around my waist, pulling me against his muscular body

He holds onto me for a few more seconds before taking a step back

"What was that for?"

"It's been a while"
He says before he turns around and pours a cup of coffee, walking out the kitchen and down the hall towards the base door, leaving me alone as I stand in the kitchen confused

Confused, but comforted.
Comforted by the seconds of warmth that suddenly made me feel at ease for the mission.
I've never been at a point in life where I hated a man so much, yet loved parts of him even more.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the guys coming out of their room and down the hallway, their fast pace hinting that we need to leave fast

I quickly follow behind them as they walk to the truck, adrenaline suddenly pumping through my veins

Price walks around and gets into the drivers seat as we quickly get inside and take our usual ones. Alex sits on the bench in front of the one me, soap, and ghost are sitting on. Why? My guess is to try and be buddy buddy with me sense he joined in on this mission

Price buckles up and inputs the directions to Alejandros base into the GPS, and presses on the gas. Once we get to Alejandros base, he'll set us up for the heli. Laswell informed us that he'll be the Co pilot and help with cover, but god I wish it was him fighting and not Alex on this mission

I don't do well around new people. I don't trust him. My team does, they work with him when they needed support, But that doesn't mean he'll work good along side me

I snap out of my thoughts, suddenly getting a stupid feeling that Alex can read my mind knowing damn well  he cant. But god forbid if he could, he might as well give me an answer so I don't have to talk to him

Ghost reaches in his pocket and pulls out a butterfly knife, flipping it around and in the air to keep himself occupied. Something about the way he flips the knife is oddly satisfying, making me unable to keep my eyes off it. I won't say it's not noticeable that I'm staring at him. Ghost is sitting to my right as always, and the guys in front and to the left of me could notice if they truly cared enough to pay attention

The car ride was quiet for the rest of the way to Alejandro's base
• • •
(Play Portishead- Glory Box)

"Watch your footing Alex"
Price says, tapping him on the back as we finish walking up Alejandros heli ramp to get in, both of them following behind me

"You of all people should know I'm pretty good with helis back at my base cap"

"Not for the heli, Alex. For her"
Price remarks and takes a seat in the back of the heli, the benches lining the walls of the interior

I sit down, ghost taking one next to me. Alex takes a glance at Price before sitting on the right against me.
Great. Now I'm squished between two men, one of them being exactly who I didn't want to sit by.

"Give her some room yea?"
Gaz says to Alex. Alex slightly moves over, giving me three inches more of space

He's making an effort to get on my good side, and obvious one. It's not a bad thing, but definitely an agitating one.

Price sits on the bench in front of us, followed by Gaz and Soap plopping next to him. We take the straps attached to the wall and bring it over our shoulders, pulling it down and buckling ourselves to the other strap that goes along our torso.

It's been a while sense I've been in a helicopter, and I'm quickly reminded of the tight space and the smell of fuel that makes its way inside.

"Everybody set?"
Alejandro shouts from the co-pilot seat, and once given the okay by us, he gives a nod to the pilot to take off
"Let's do this amigo"

"You ready for this?"
Alex shouts to me over the loud sound of the engine

"I'm always ready"
I say without turning my head, Ghost doing the opposite and quickly glances to him, surprised at his constant determination

"That's the kind of spirit some of my soldiers need. A majority of them would think twice before attending a mission like this"

"Sounds like you need stronger soldiers Keller"
I turn my head towards him

"It never hurts to have another helping hand on our missions. Ask Price"

"If you're implying you want me on your team I suggest you stop now. I prefer to work alone, or with my team"

"Your buddies here join me and Farahs missions on occasion. You're always welcome to help"

I stare at him for a few seconds as my mind decides wether to make an un-needed remark, or respect for the offer

"Like I said, I prefer my team. If I feel like helping I'll let you know"
I reluctantly give him the slight satisfaction and hope that he's been wanting since the second after I almost killed him on his first day. Maybe he'll stop trying so hard to start a conversation every chance he gets

He looks at Price and gives him a small smile of what he'd call accomplishment. Price gives him a small nod, praising him in silence

Soap stares at me with a questioning expression, almost as if he's asking me if I'm okay. He knows I'm annoyed

I give him a nod, small enough for just him to understand

I let out an audible sigh, controlling my stressed breathing. The Heli ride now heading to another base who I assume is Farah's, he joined her team a long time ago. I have no clue why we're going, but I guess I'm about to figure out.

Simon Ghost Riley  'Tough Love' Where stories live. Discover now