Disobeyed Rules

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I wake up, still handcuffed and chained to the wall, when one of wolfs men slowly walks up to the door, leaving it wide open behind him

"You alright?"
He asks quietly

I stay silent before answering him

"Can i get a glass of water?"
I've been stuck in this small dark cell for 24 hours, and have not had anything to drink. Expected coming from wolfs men. I just want this mission to be over with

He checks behind him as if he's nervous, walks in to my cell and kneels down to my level

"I'm Avian. I wonder if you remember me from the other night. Do you?"
He whispers

I say blankly

"Well.. I can say that the night you got here was kind of a shit show. I was the guy who gave the handcuffs to wolf. I always keep them close. There's just always some fun and interesting things you can do with handcuffs"
He says almost proudly as he rubs his hand up and down on my shoulder

"Fuck you're really pretty... if i give you some water, which isn't something I'm supposed to do... would you do something for me?"

I don't answer him. He looks into my eyes, obviously frustrated from my silence, he quickly rips the side of my shirt. My blood fills with anger, wishing I could smash his head in

"Tell me how nasty you are"
he moves in, whispering into my ear

"Go to hell"
I say with my teeth clamped shut and i lean forward, butting my head to his and he grunts, falling backwards onto the ground

"Oh shit"
He laughs, wiping the blood off "your fighting is just gonna make it last longer"

He stands up and starts undoing his belt

Wolf shouts, coming up behind him

The man jumps, looking back to wolf with fright in his eyes

"What the hell are you doing in here?"
He asks with a smirk

"Wolf, sir-"
The man's voice shakes

"Do you really think I need you to answer that?"
Wolf says pointing at him "I can see that you're trying to rape her, you were trying to rape this woman weren't you?" He says walking closer to him

"This is some unacceptable behavior avian. Rape is against the rules here- I wouldn't wanna be somewhere where it wasn't, we're someone in charge would let something like that fly" wolf breathes out, making the man get more anxious

Suddenly, wolf pulls out a large knife from his pocket

"Avian..you really crossed the line"

"I'm sorry sir"
The man's voice trembles

Wolf stares at the man silently, and quickly pushed the blade through the side of his neck

"You know what avian?" Wolf whispers with a smile "I do not accept your apology" he laughs, pulling the blade out from his neck and Avian falls to the floor

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