Watch Your Mouth

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I wake up to the sound a lock sliding. The door slowly opens and I'm hit with the blinding light. I cover my eyes for a few seconds before my eyes allow me to see without pain

Once I can keep my eyes open, I see wolf is standing in front of me. He has a ceramic platter with what I assume is breakfast

Wolf says grabbing my attention and I quickly realize I was spacing out

He gets on to his knees and places the tray beside me and my eyes scan the food.
Eggs, Sausage, a soft medium biscuit with a honey packet on the side, and a cup of water

I'm not going to sit here and say that I am not screaming inside. I am starving, and I can only hope this is only for me to eat without him needing something in return like information. I wouldn't be surprised, this isn't a typical thing terrorists do..

"Eat. I will be back in 30 minutes to bring you to the wash rooms. You will get clean so you are presentable for all the questions me and my men need to ask you. If you fail to comply you will receive no meals for the rest of the day. Do you understand?"

I have the advantage of rolling my eyes at his stupid comments as his body creates a shadow above me, preventing him from seeing my expression

I say blankly. But only because I want to eat and nothing more

He smiles with a nod and sets the plate on my lap. He doesn't close the door, and I wouldn't have been able to see with the darkness that resides with me now. There's no one around except a guard to watch me until he gets back. I'm handcuffed and chained to a wall... what the hell could I do?

The man looks at me every few seconds but keeps returning his gaze phone that releases an obnoxious sound of a poker game. I roll my eyes and take a sip of my water and quickly scarf down my food. I can't say that was a good idea as adrenaline doesn't mix well with a freshly eaten meal if it's eating fast

I wait

And wait

And wait

Finally wolf returns and I sit up. He leans down and unhooks the chain from my handcuffs and pulls me up. We make our way to a shower room. It's really a single bathroom, like what a family restroom looks like except with brick walls and a much more depressed gloomy vibe

"Shampoo and conditioner is to your left, body wash is to the right. I will leave towels on the counter and wait outside the door

He begins to walk away

"Aren't you going to uncuff me?"

"Nice try"
He says

This is going to be hell. I slowly undress and turn the shower on. I look around the small bathroom as the shower heats up. A sink,' toilet, and shower...simple. I look for broken brick pieces for defense later, but to no avail.
Once the water hits my skin, my thoughts leave my crowded head. I relax my shoulders and release a deep breath. As stressful as this is, I have begun to make plans, ones that price wouldn't agree with, but ones I know I can handle and get out of. He said to comply, but I have better ideas for later

I wash my body throughly to loosen and wash the dirt off my body. I feel clean and step out the shower. It's difficult, but I dry off and put on the white shorts and t shirt he gave me. The t shirt is a soft loose material, not much to complain about. Maybe he gives his "prisoners" more care to manipulate them into giving information. Thankfully, I'm smarter than that

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