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The deadline for the math competition was approaching and Mrs. Trenton gave the participants the literature they had to read. Jess usually had no problem paying attention, but now it was hard. The teacher kept a cool distance from her, and Jess began to wonder if she had done something wrong. She replayed their last meeting over and over again, and actually saw that she must have been too direct, which could be considered flirting. However, she did not hide that it hurt her when the red-haired woman left her e-mails with instructions as her TA and piles of tests, and she avoided her like the plague and left earlier, taking her work home.

However, Jess found some peace and joy with a new friend - Kate, who turned out to be a nerd and was also about to enter the competition, together with Jacob, another school nerd with a taste for fantasy.

They met once a week with Mrs. Trenton for extra lessons, where they practiced solving more difficult problems. Kate would sometimes explain something to Jess, throwing in some funny anecdotes along the way, and Jess liked the girl almost immediately. Jacob sat in the corner, silently working.

"We're flying to NYC in a week, I got permission from the principal. The competition lasts one day, but the results announce the next, so book yourself two days. Your absence from school will be excused." Mrs. Trenton said, marching briskly into the room. Jess immediately focused her eyes on her, watching how tight jeans fit her shapely ass.

She groaned inwardly, thinking she'd made a mistake paying attention to the skirts. Jeans were much worse. Especially when paired with high heels. The redhead was shorter than Jess anyway, but all her curves were emphasized. Jess hated how much attention he paid to Mrs. Trenton. She almost missed what she said.

"Wait... New York? You didn't mention the contest was in New York."

"Is that a problem Miss Hunter?" Even in this astonished state, the brunette noticed that she had not addressed her by name.

"Yeah, that means we'll have to take a plane..." Jess grumbled.

"The school will pay for the airfare, as will the hotel. I don't see the connection, Miss Hunter." The teacher raised her eyebrows, shoved her hands into her back pockets and glared at Jess.

"It will be fun." Kate hummed, placing her hand lightly on Jess's thigh. The redhead noticed this and something flashed in her eyes. The brunette, however, had a different concern.

"I don't fly... I mean... I only flew once, I don't remember it well."

"It's normal transportation, Miss Hunter, and I'm sure Miss Backswill will be more than willing to hold your hand in case of trouble." The teacher snarled and even Jacob began to watch their exchange.

"You'll be fine, Jess. I can always recite calculus or tell you about parabolas, you'll fall asleep before the plane takes off." Kate whispered in her ear, but Jess was focused on Mrs. Trenton, who was furiously tapping on the computer keyboard, ignoring them completely.

Jess tried to mentally prepare herself for the trip. James was glad that the girl would have a little fun, as he called it. On Friday, the school committee started selling tickets for the Winter Prom, because it was already mid-December. They had a week left and then it was Christmas. Jess didn't participate in any school play. And this one especially didn't sound very appealing when almost every wall had a picture of Tara and Jake as candidates for prom queen and king. Jess shook her head as she walked out of school that day. She was walking to the parking lot when something caught her attention.

Tara stood alone against the wall by the side entrance, smoking a cigarette. Against her better judgment, she approached her, pulling her scarf tighter around her. She noticed the blonde was wearing a cheerleader outfit and Jake's basketball jersey.

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