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Jess wondered if the pain in her chest was a sign of a serious illness, or if a broken heart hurt so much every time it felt like it was about to stop beating. And must each breath be so heavy and hoarse as if it were the last? She assumed it was. She had finally experienced what other people had often said.

She thought Saturday night was the worst thing that had happened to her. Eva had not contacted her, and Jess knew they had nothing more to say to each other.

She was just a high school student. A stupid girl who was deceived.

But unfortunately that wasn't the end...

"Miss Hunter, the principal asks you to come to the office." Said the physics teacher entering the room. Jess involuntarily got up and headed for the door. "He asked you to take your things." Classmates howled, muttering to each other, Kate looked at her questioningly.

Jess returned for her bag and left, heading for the principal's office.

When she knocked inside, next to the principal sat James... and Mrs. Trenton.

"Miss Hunter, please sit." The director said seriously.

Jess sat down without saying a word, raising her eyebrows at James, who also didn't know what was going on as you could see from his face.

The headmistress took something out of a drawer and placed it on the desk.

"Do you recognize this Miss Hunter?"

Jess looked at it and froze. It was a picture of her and Eva taken in the school parking lot. She remembered that night, after their session of checking tests, or rather quick sex in the office, she had walked the woman to the car in the evening. In the photo you could see that Jess wanted to kiss Eva, but the woman held her in place by grabbing her arm. It could be read from the photo. The girl felt the icy sweat running down her body.

"What is this?" James asked looking at the photo and then at Jess and Mrs. Trenton.

"I'd like to know too." The headmistress said, clasping her fingers on the desk.

But Jess was silent, unable to speak.

"Mrs. Trenton reported to me that someone is blackmailing her with this photo and that she fears it may be you, Jess, because she has refused to make physical contact with you."

"What...?" James asked quickly, very agitated, suddenly leaning over and squeezing Jess's arm. "You only have one opinion, and there are two people in the picture, Miss." He noticed.

"Mr. Hunter.." The headmistress sighed. "I'm sure you're aware of the situation. Jess has been acting strangely this year, very aggressive towards other students. I'm sorry to say, but this situation disgusts me. Never in my career have I had a student behave so badly. She horribly pestered the teacher, the teacher, who is married and with a child on the way."

Jess felt like she wasn't in her body, like she wasn't the subject of this conversation. She couldn't be... how was Eva capable of lying?

But Mrs. Trenton was silent, standing with folded arms by the window. Without looking at them.

"I don't think I need to tell you what the consequences are." The headmistress said sternly.

"Wait...Jess, say something...is it true?" James asked, turning to his daughter.

"The photo is real if that's what you're asking." Jess grunted, not knowing what to do. She wasn't much of a liar... and she knew she was at a loss. Nobody believed her last time, so why should they believe her now?

James shook his head.

"I don't believe it. Miss, you have the file of Jess, you know my daughter has an emotional disorder problem, for god sake... she has three months of school left!" he said loudly. "I don't believe my daughter would be seducing a teacher, or even be interested in them, if the interest wasn't mutual...Jess trusts barely even me!"

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