Chapter Eight

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"Young miss!" The dwarfs exclamation was one of surprise. He was unsure as to how she'd gotten so far across the river, but her distance was a concern. "Do you fare the water well?"

Her answer came as a series of splashes and the sinking of what was left of her coherency above the surface upon his arrival. His eyes were intimidated as they cast downward, seeing the water more so as a barrier than invitation.

It was rare to see a dwarf in water, as they did not have a need to bathe nor use it as means of sustenance. They were self-sufficient in terms of survival, and in turn were more secluded than elementals of other regions.

Skor held much love for the element itself, but big bodies of water had always struck his heart with inexplicable fear. A fear he never found the need to overcome given his nature.

He then felt regret with his decision to seclude himself from the knowledge as he helplessly watched on in horror.

He could not bear it, standing aside would be worse than succumbing to the touch of a cold moisture. Without allowing himself another doubt, he leapt as far as he could from the bank and began moving his limbs in any way he could that he deemed of use to keep his head level. His height was a disadvantage as his toes just barely grazed the rocky river floor.

His splashing was similar to Junes, but he was able to just barely keep himself above the ripples of struggle. In the distraction filling his senses, he gained an understanding of certain foot movements that best kept him afloat.

With no ground under his earth-destined, he felt sick. His connection to the dirt was where his power lied, and without it he was blinded, making it difficult to so much as think correctly.

"What're you doing?" June called from land, hands cupped around her mouth to relay the sound to him as the current caught him from drifting any farther. The pull allowed his body to float to the top with no difficulty.

He relaxed, remembering himself and who was carrying him to safety. Mother would not let him drown, nor the child, and he felt silly for believing so even for a minute. His vibration had not caught a sense of Her wind blowing reminders of safety and security, blinded by his vulnerability with complex emotions of fear and panic that did not occur naturally in his protected environment. This exposure to fear was an expansion of this creatures emotional spectrum, one that was not typical for his level of elemental. 

He knew he should have had that one last thought before jumping; the thought that reassured him of Mothers plan and that whatever his fate was meant to be would be so.

However, his ties with Her were less so occurring than other element-life. They all served a good, and his was to be a collected giver of the land, remaining close to his ground and protecting it with a capacity for diverse judgement. It was he who bore a perception closest to the human species, able to relate on a level others of his fellow mystics could not.

Mother lied him gently before the girl, and he was not quick to move.

"Gnome?" June asked in concern, dropping to her knees and lightly poking his temple.

He cracked one eye open, blinded by the hues of sunshine touching his vulnerable pupil and the lid shut at once. Upon the observation, she moved her head to cast a shadow as means of protection for his face.

This gesture was recognized behind closed eyes, as the light trickling in through his short lashes darkened.

Her brown strands caught in various colors, giving her ethereal a golden glow that brought him back to his senses. He was not to be weak when his mission was to guide. With that thought clawed fingernails dug into moistened, grass-covered mud and brough life to his weakened and drenched state once more.

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