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"The risks always breeds a reward

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"The risks always breeds a reward."

News stories used to cover criminals found under any body of water. Thier necks were covered with rope burn, which left a red imprint, and their tattoos would be burned. So there was gaping bits of flesh, exposed from burning. Personally, all it reminded was the craters of Mars. 

I could've been next just now.

"I've seen this happen before. Once they start, they never stop." Antonio rubbed his forehead.

"It's your fault." I said.

Not another word was exchanged between us. 

No matter what happens, I will rise to power and take over this Mafia. To tell Antonio my thoughts and true motive would be pointless. Not one person can be trusted here when everyone thinks of themselves. 

"why did you kill my mum?" I asked. 

He fumbled with his jacket.

"Your father does too. " 

I glared at him and he continued to laugh. Once everyone was out of sight, I slammed him into the back of the SUV. My father isn't dead, unless, he did something. Antonio wouldn't do that. Then again he didn't build his reputation by talking. 

My hands were against his throat, and he kept his calmly at his sides. His expression was unaffected. 

"You will never kill me." He spun me around and now I was against the SUV, "without killing yourself." 

He opened the door and threw me inside. He took the passenger seat and locked the car. 

"The choice is yours. Kill me now, or maybe, get answers for your parents demise." He used a bandana to slick his hair back. 

I rolled the window down and turned the ignition on, every part of my body feels as though it is trapped. The walls are closing in. Sweat beaded down my face and i pressed hard on the accelerator. Antonio glanced at me and then back at the motorway we were on.

I swung the steering wheel to the left with all my force, and pulled the handbrake. His hands fumbled for the door handle and he vomited.

"You will never kill my father without everyone you love including yourself, dying with my bare hands." I said. He closed the door and turned the engine on again.

"If you don't believe me, why don't we pay him a visit?" He muttered, "it wasn't my choice."

The cars on the motorway blared thier horns as I sped down the road. 

"I doubt your choice would be all that different." I sneered.


The headlights of passing vechiles, the faint lemon scent and clicking of gun in Antonio's bruised hand were all fatal reminders of the promises my father made. He should be alive. Antonio is a wonderful liar. He is known to have twisted the truth in more ways than one to get his way around. The tyres dirt drifted up into the open window.

Sweat dripped down my forehead. I had fallen for a lie. This was a trap. A pawn, a fragile, disposable item to be be a whim of any person who laid who laid hands on them. In this case, it was Antonio.

I reversed the car and pressed all the way down on the accelator. Antonio hid the gun into a hole in the drivers seat. We were two minutes away from wherever he has my father. 

A quiet and secluded area is all that is required to slit his throat and make him suffer for as many years as my father and me did in silence with no one strong enough to say anything. The doom days still continued and we had to watch others be taken at midnight. Without a reason, justicfation, cause or mercy. Gone.Without a trace. 

My fake passport worked at the borders. My name was no longer Sophie Deni, it was Juliet. Whoever made the passport must've been thinking that a Romeo or Romero was what this Juliet was waiting for. This Juliet doesn't need that. All she needs is revenge, and maybe another Juliet to keep her company. Then again, a Romeo wouldn't be too bad either. So she'll take what she can get. Maybe, both.

Snow coated the outskirts of the road in any other situation many would have feared since the Mafia walk on these roads. They do not faze me. Francis trusts me, with his limited knowledge of my real identity. If he knew, his reaction is completely unpredictable or something that anyone could spend years on trying to think of all the outcomes like I have spent since joining.

The handbrake pulled the car to a stop and my boots crunched against the snow. We had a code for the door, knock in the tune of what mother would sing and he would answer. I knocked and waited, and waited and waited to be greeted with silence.

My stomach churned. My palms were sweaty. Maybe, he didn't hear. Maybe, knocking harder will help. It didn't make a difference. The neighbours peeked through the blinds. They threw a key out of the window and I caught it. Everything is okay. They recognised me.

My body lunged for thier door and I locked it within seconds. The staircase was my next enemy, then it was reaching the room they were in. They didn't know about our plan to overtake the mafia. If they did, they wouldn't let me in. My promise includes keeping my town safe from harm.

They turned the light off. 

"Where have you been, niña?" They whispered in thier Spanish accent.

I gulped.

"To see my friends." I muttered.

The woman who was friends with my mother grabbed my shoulders. Her acrylic nails dug deep into my shoulder.

"Your father is on the run. They went for his house last night. We don't know where he is but you have to do something before it's too late, sweetie. Before they could get him, he left for the airport.
I nodded, "I'm going to need spare clothes, supplies, and hair dye." 

She shuffled.

Asking for these things right away would be a one way street to increasing suspicion. They didn't say a word. They stuffed one of Thier spare backpacks with all of those things and more. Including their home cooked food, a burner phone and several SIM cards. 

"He said he'd go to the place only you know if something went bad." The woman said.

My head was spinning as I ran to the car. I turned the ignition on and head a Glock being clicked against my forehead.
"I swear if you've called the police, I will kill you right now. Now drive." Antonio's voice sent shivers down my spine.

I locked eyes with him, they sparkled in the midnight sky. My fingers grazed his hand which were against the trigger. Surprisingly, his hands were soft. Within seconds, his wrist was twisted at a band angle and I threw the gun out of the window.

Reflief washed over me. Wherever my father is, even if it is in Antonio's captivity, he must have left.

Those people helped him. they must have since he wouldn't have relayed the message to them. 

"I don't take orders from you." I muttered.

He laughed, "you'll have to if you want to know where I've kept your father. I know what you want. You'll never get it. Not without losing everything you love."

He freed himself from my grasp, his eyes were fixated on me as I turned the ignition on.

"Don't speed like last time. You'll need to take your time for this one." He propped his feet up against the back window, "Drive, sweetheart." 

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