Chapter 27

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I make my way out to the cars that would leave for the games at any moment. I find a car that's just about to pull off so I quickly open the back door before they could drive away. "Evening all" I say as the passenger turns to face me angrily obviously not happy that I'm delaying their game time. "You can't come you haven't got a number" the guy in the passenger seat says as I take a seat and close the door behind. I smile and turn my attention to the front and lock eyes with the driver in the rear view mirror.

I reach up to my hair and brush it down lightly as the militant in the drivers seat recognises me and starts driving. "Hold on what are you doing that girl isn't meant to be here" the passenger argues to the driver as I lean back comfortably. "I'd like to see you try and stop her" she speaks back while focusing on the road. The passenger turns back to face me as I place a handgun on my leg and grin back. "Is there really a problem" I ask with a brow raised as he stares at the gun glistening under the streetlights.

"No" he spits out bitterly as I place the gun back into its place on my belt feeling smug about my power with the militants. The drive to the game was filled with tension as no one dares make a comment. Once we pull up to a side street and get out it's instantly obvious where the game is located. "Hope you aren't scared of heights" I whisper to the passenger boy as I walk to the game with a comfortable grin on my face. I glance up as the building towers above me and the lights from this game alone must be lighting up a large portion of area.

I have a feeling this will be busy since it's truly impossible to miss. The tallest tower in all of Tokyo is hosting our game and I couldn't be more excited. The Tokyo Skytree. It's probably something to do with heights which will be a breeze for me. I wonder into the large area and find a table with the most phones I've seen for a single game set up. I pick up my device to sign in and finally get to see the card we'll be playing for. 10 of Spades. Definitely not my lucky day.

After seeing the game type I stand tall and confident next to the wall in hope that we can get some people to approach us. It would be beneficial to find other people who are physically capable since this isn't going to be easy. I look around the group of people forming as I start observing their physical features. From the beach there's four of us including myself and each of us look confident and all things considered very relaxed. I flick my eyes around the rest of people gathered as I count 14 others scattered around the main area.

I can't pick up anyone of particular interest as most seem to be familiar with the games. No newbies to hold us back I guess. I do wish I could help as many people here as possible but I'm not playing this game for anyone other than my friends at the beach and myself. I haven't come to realise this yet but I'm not just fighting for the people I know now but for the people that couldn't continue at my side. I glance down as the time ticks by and more people register.

By the time the timer ticked down to zero there were 29 people with phones in hand and ready to play. "Admissions closed, game type: 10 of Spades" the electronic voice chimes in as we all look at our screen for the game truces. "Fight or Flight" the voice chimes as I see the game name appear on my screen before it flicks to a 30 minute timer. We all stand around waiting for the rules to appear as the timer starts ticking down. I'm left stunned as well by the lack of explanation that we normally receive.

I look up at the other beach members that seem to be doing the same as me. "Anyone had this happen before" someone asks from another small group as we all stay silent. "Where are the bloody rules" a girl pipes up while looking around the group for some sort of explanation. I walk over to the other militant and nudge her lightly as she looks around the room. "Ever heard of this happening before" I ask as she girl shakes her head and reaches down to her own weapon in a defensive manner.

"Come on lets have a look around" someone suggests as the large group starts filtering into smaller groups to go and look around. "What do you want to do" the girl still beside me asks as I pull my own gun into hand. "Start heading up since that's the only clue we have" I say as she agrees and we start walking to the quickest way up to the observation area in the sky. "The lifts are working should we take them" a voice from behind asks as I sigh but look back to the doors and think of how long it would take to climb the stairs.

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