Chapter 31: Same Life, Different Me

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[So here's another long chapter for you all, this one is actually longer than the one before this and is actually one of my favorite chapters to write so far]

Henry watches as Future Erick glances around the cortex as he admired the tech around the lab; even Erick would have to admit that it had been a very long time since he stepped foot inside of Star Labs

But that wasn't the most important thing about this reunion as Erick had questions that only Henry could to answer; Erick walks around the desk near the entrance as he moves in front of it and leans against it as he crosses his arms and stares directly at the son of Barry Allen

Erick: Why are you here, Henry? Why are Nora and Bart here?

Henry scoffs knowing exactly how to answer that as he gives the future speedster a smug answer

Henry: Why don't you ask my two stubborn siblings? Thinking that they could the past team flash to inevitably change what was a very promising future.

Erick didn't like that response as he tells him

Erick: It wasn't that promising.

Henry: Oh I'd have to say it was.

Henry shot back to him as he stepped towards him in order to explain

Henry: I had everything in the future. Central City bowed at my feet, I held the entire city in the palm of my hand. There was team Oliver Queen. And certainly no Supergirl.

Erick's body tenses up at Henry's final word as Henry chuckles and points at him

Henry: And certainly no Erick Thawne. How is past Erick these days? I remember asking Nora well earth 1 Nora to tell you that I needed to talk and yet...I still haven't heard back from you.

Erick knew the explanation to why his younger self hadn't made Henry a priority though he simply avoided the topic of that reasoning by telling Henry

Erick: Erick's busy right now. Besides, you could've gone to see him yourself.

Henry: Oh yeah. And what exactly am I supposed to tell the guy that is basically my uncle?

Henry asks smugly as he crosses his arms and waits for an answer from the future man though he doesn't get one as he says to him when he realizes something

Henry: You haven't told him yet, have you?

Erick clears his throat and comes off the desk as he avoids eye contact with Henry and goes to walk to the side but Henry grabs his arm and spins him around

Henry: You haven't told him yet, have you?

Henry repeated insisting on getting an answer from Erick as he had a feeling about the answer he'd receive but still wanted to hear Erick say it

Erick: No.

Erick answers and pulls his arm away from the speedster and then looks at the mannequin which held the suit of the flash

Erick: Your father is a hero, Henry. Always has been, always will be.

Henry scoffs at the irony of the word "hero" then crosses his arm and looks at Erick

Henry: Did you come here just to talk about my father? Or is there another reason as to why you're here?

Erick took a breath still feeling the effects of what had happened to him prior to coming to see Henry. He shoves that out of his mind then turns and faces Henry

Erick: I'm here because the timeline has changed Henry. In more ways than one.

Henry scoffs at him as he had already known the timeline had changed though he did hope that it wouldn't have changed too much

𝘾𝙃𝙄𝙇𝘿𝙍𝙀𝙉 𝙊𝙁 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙃 [𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟚]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin