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chapter four:role of a lifetime !

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chapter four:
role of a lifetime !


"SO, LET ME get this straight," EJ began. "You snapped back at a Hollywood director and scared a famous TikTok star, all in the span of two minutes?"

Violetta ate another forkful of pasta while shrugging. Contrary to popular belief, EJ was actually the one who called her this time. He had wanted to hear about the first day of filming and her audition for High School Musical. After asking about filming, Violetta immediately dove into a rant about the events of the day — how the auditions overlapped, how she danced with Mack (conveniently leaving out the part how they danced well together), Quinn's comment, and Dani's look.

"You should've heard the way she talked to me," Violetta responded. "Like, I get it, she's a director and needs things to happen in a certain way, but I was asked to fill in. It's not like I wanted to take Dani's spot. Besides, she was late because she was upset about there not being steam showers." She rolled her eyes and ate some more pasta. "Like, how tragic."

EJ let out a small laugh, and the sound made Violetta's stomach infuriatingly flutter. "Looks like you did what you do best. Stand up for yourself."

Violetta pointed her fork at the screen. "That's exactly what Athena said, too."

"Yeah, it's 'cause we just know you that well." He then paused for a moment, running his hand through his hair. "How'd the musical audition go?"

"It was fine," Violetta answered. "I had five minutes, but five minutes was all I needed. I quite literally ran down the hall, sang Now or Never, and made it back in time for all of us to rehearse the scene together."

"It wasn't in the auditorium?" EJ questioned.

"No. We had to audition in the rehearsal room, which was crazy weird, by the way. But it was fine."

EJ gave her a confident smile. "There's no way you're not getting Gabriella."

"There is absolutely a way I'm not getting Gabriella," Violetta argued lightly, grabbing her now-empty bowl and standing up from her kitchen island. "And her name is Athena Blake." She put her bowl and fork in the sink before turning around, leaning on her back against the counter. "Besides, I don't want Gabriella. You think I'm lead material?"

𝐈 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐃𝐎  ―  e. caswell ⁴  ✓Where stories live. Discover now