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Over the next week or so Grian and Scott had patrolled every night, tonight Scar had finally come back to work and X informed them that Scott would stay to work with them incase of another accident. Grian actually liked Scott, sure he was a little sassy but he was also confident and knew what he was doing. Glitchtrap had been grumbly for the past week, whenever Grian had asked him why he was so upset he would never respond. Though it seemed to have something to do with Scott, everytime Scott was around Glitchtrap got very angry. Like right now for example.

"Maintenance isn't even our job," Grian complained. Scott and Grian were downstairs trying to repair the damage on Roxy after something (Glitchtrap) made its malfunction on stage today and fall off. Causing it to break an arm off its body, "Why do we have to fix it?"

Scott shrugged, "Because Fazbear Entertainment is underfunded?"

"Then how can they afford to keep almost all of the lights on all the time?" Grian asked, walking out of the protective cylinder and powering Roxy back on.

"That, I have no answer to," He responded.

Roxy sat up from the table and followed Grian out, "Thank you, Grian," It said.

"Of course Roxy. Now, you should probably head back to your room and get ready for tomorrow," Grian smiled at it, look just because he thinks they're creepy doesn't mean he has to be rude.

Roxy nodded and turned to go up the stairs to the elevator but paused and stared at Scott. Scott flinched slightly and took a step back, Roxy was almost looking at him.... longingly. Though that was impossible, it's a robot and definitely couldn't be longing for him that's just weird.

"Do you need something, Rox?" Scott asked, voice soft as if he was talking to a child, which startled Grian.

"No," It shook its head, "You just remind me of someone," If the animatronic could smile, it would have.

"Who?" Scott kept his voice soft.

"A friend," Roxy said, its voice equally soft.

It then turned and went up the stairs to its door and opened it heading down the hall to the elevator. Scott looked at the animatronic sadly, he looked like he felt pity for it.

"What was that all about?" Grian asked, walking up the steps towards Freddy's door.

In the malfunction at the concert Freddy had also shut down and was put in power saving mode. Nobody had any clue what was happening, Monty wasn't even allowed on stage today because it had been tearing up its room in anger. Of course, Grian knew why this was all happening, he had embedded Glitchtrap's virus into the animatronics. If he was being honest he felt kinda bad for them, they may have been creepy but Grian did recognize that they were very nice.

Scott followed close behind, "I have no clue, maybe it's another malfunction?" He suggested.

"No, not Roxy. I mean you, why were you talking to it like it was 4?" Grian asked, they walked down the hall and to the elevator.

"Maybe she is," Scott shrugged and the two of them entered the elevator, it was a tight squeeze but they managed.

"That's impossible, animatronics don't have ages," Grian said, clicking the 'up' button.

"You're right, but children do," He said.

"What are you getting at exactly?" Grian felt very confused, but at the same time, he felt he knew exactly what Scott was talking about.

Glitchtrap grumbled.

The doors opened and Scott stepped out walking into Freddy's room, he didn't respond. Grian followed and what they saw in Freddy's room was surprising, nothing. They saw nothing. Freddy was gone.

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