Dear Diary..... How it all started.

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I wish I could say that life was like a Disney movie, with magical fluffy's and happy endings. Unfortunately that isn't the way it goes. Maybe if you are really rich and have been shielded from all the hardships...

I have finally gained the courage to put down my feelings and thoughts about a topic so close to my heart, that haunts me still til this very day. This may be a struggle for me, although this time I refuse to give up until everything that has happened is written.

I remember that day so clearly, when it all started I mean. It was 2012 and I was in my last year at high school (year 13 or 7th form) I thought I had lots of friends and that they were genuine people. Turns out I was a fool for believing them. I can't remember the exact date yet I think it was the 26th of May.

I will refer to these two girls as Twiville one and twiville two, as they don't deserve the right to be called by their proper names and Yes if you were wondering they are Identical twins. It was their birthday, and as a Yr 13 student at the High school I went to it gave us the privilege to leave the school grounds for lunch time, anyways we went out for lunch well myself and twiville one with her sick twisted boyfriend. I don't know how this came up, yet at one point of lunch he told me that I belonged in a hospital bed and that he would be more than willing to put me there. I was also asked if I would like to continue hanging with them as twiville one was going to ditch fourth and fifth periods. I politely declined as Foods (Home Ec, Hospitality) was the main reason why I stayed at that dreaded school for the 5 years.

I knew that returning to school would have consequences, I didn't think they would be that bad though.

the class I was in told the teacher exactly what twiville one was up to, and she didn't like that, so she got back at me by isolating me from the entire year group (form group), putting notes that said thing like "Nark" "Fat pig" "Bitch Whore" these were the nicer things that had been said, yet somehow they still hurt like a bitch- even though they shouldn't have. It was a horrible feeling. I was so scared that worse was coming I would leave school later than I needed to, arrived to class just on time. I tried everything to keep to myself.

Moving forward to about a week and a half was the second time that I was threatened, going home from school one day, they surrounded me with a group of about 20 guys it was horrifying. I wish I could've found the lady with the pram who saved my life, as she gave me just enough time so I could get away. Even though they followed she still helped me- and for that I will be forever thankful. It took me a good 10 minutes to get away from this group and in this time I was almost pushed through a glass window, almost had personal items stolen. I was scared as these girls had become ruthless, and then I thought that anything was possible.

While walking home I was terrified. I thought that everyone was out to get me, yet no one stopped to ask if I was ok, the most I got was a sympathetic look every now and there. It took a good 15 minutes of walking before anyone stopped and who stopped was my grandma and dad. My grandma was out of the car before it had even stopped, and was racing towards me- she scared a random on the street as came racing towards me. It was at that moment that I completely lost it, and couldn't hold the tears back anymore.

My grandma became my rock, the person I trust the most even to this very day. When she told granddad that night he was livid, absolutely fuming his exact words were "I'll do to them what they do to you, let's see how they like it". At this point my granddad was in hospital.

Oh yeah did I mention that back in the day, when we first started high school we were really close, my parents didn't like them too much and when I look back at that time I knew that I should've listened to them. I just wanted somewhere that I sort of belonged, as I'd never really had more than a few friends at once... get this a thirteen year old who has next to no social skills and that's not by choice, so you can see why I just wanted somewhere that I sort of belonged to and didn't have to worry, I thought that high school was going to be different, I thought a lot of things that weren't as they appeared.

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