Dear Diary....

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This has sat on my page for a while now, and I wrote this some point after I was threatened...
It's how I felt, and how I veiwed things. It describes what happened to me at school, and how I tried dealing with it. So here goes.

She walked down the hallways, holding her books tightly in her arms. She kept her eyes glues to where she was going as she thought that if she looked at anyone, it would just fuel the fire. She kept her headphones in and her music on loud so she could ignore the nasty comments she got on a daily basis. She knew she couldn't tell anyone about what was really happening, she'd tried that before, and it just made things worse for her. She hated knowing that everyone picked on her because she wasn't that "picture perfect" girl. "Fat whale go back to the ocean, ugly" she heard the comment over her music, and she just wasn't brave enough to say anything back, but why should she, when she knew that if she opened her mouth she'd just get attacked even more.
People called her all sorts of things, she might not have had the balls to defend herself, but she had a heart of gold- even though she was a constant victim of the picture perfect girls.
She wondered how she could get out of this stupid life, she wondered if anyone would notice she was gone, she wondered if anyone would even care- but before she let her trial of thoughts go any further, she knew that she was not strong enough to do the things she most desperately wanted to do.
She was popular because she was bullied, if no one bullied her, she would be invisible.
She thought people would get bored after a while... But they always found a new way of tormenting her.

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