Dear Diary... A friendship ruined...

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I don't know why I didn't start with this earlier, yet you've been ruining lives and friendships for a very long time. Our story doesn't start in yr 13 like I thought but in yr9 when I was young dumb and foolish.

Do you remember what happened back then? Or how close we were, neither of you could handle that I was really close with my own family member.
So me and my cousin were really close, and apparently everyone in my year group thought he was really cute. I mean we told eachother everything, we used to ride our bikes around the varander of my aunt's place. It was so simple back then, yet I didn't know how manipulative back stabbing bitches you could be until that camp.

Yes I know this doesn't really make much sense as I could have just stopped talking to them then and there, but obviously I didn't.  I don't even know why I didn't.
Anyways one night at camp they took my phone off me cause they found out I was texting my cousin who at this time they had a crush on and proceeded to text him saying something along the lines of "I think you are hot"
A life long friend ship ruined by one simple text.
It's been 10years since yr9, 10 whole years and unless absolutely vital we don't talk I mean ever.

I wonder how different my life would have been if I had just stopped talking to them then and there, if I had stood my ground about all the bullying I witnessed over the next 4 years.
I just wish you knew the truth.

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