He is Bolting!

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I was up around 8 this morning. The Holy Spirit led me to read Rev. 3. I came to a verse that spoke about being Lukewarm. So I started to question myself. But He assured me that isn't wasn't for me. But it was a message for the Lukewarms.

He says, "I will come like a thief in the night. I am coming quickly. So quickly. I am bolting before earth."

Do you know what it means to BOLT?

I saw a vision of Jesus running around so quickly as if he was flash. Then I saw Jesus walking literally (a vision) came down and in a bolting fashion, took people from earth.

Spread this message to your friends and families.

"Truly I say to you, these are some rough times and you need Me like never before."

"Those who are rich in the flesh are poor in the spirit."

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