Chapter 17: Valentine's day's end

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Craig pov:

Mr. Garrison's class ended, allowing us to pack our bags and head off for lunch. Tweek hadn't given me a single glance the whole class, which he rarely did. He'd just stared out the window all the time with a goofy grin. Not that it bothered me.

I was following Tweek until the sound of paper under my shoe suddenly caught my attention. I turned my gaze to the ground and noticed a white letter. I took it and looked at what was written inside.

It was as if my heart caught a beat. A love letter for Tweek? Was that why he was smiling during the whole class? I swallowed my saliva at the thought. Why was he so happy to receive this letter? This feeling. I was scared, scared of losing him.

-Craig? You're coming?

Clyde entered the classroom and walked towards me. His eyes widened as they rested on the letter.

-What's that?

I hid the letter behind my back so he wouldn't see it, but he took it out of my hand. I didn't even try to take it back, I was too confused. Clyde began to read it under my nose.

-Wow man, that's romantic. I didn't know you could write something like that. Why are you making that face?

My face tightened slightly.

-I didn't write this letter.

Clyde's expression seemed to decompose.

-Oh sh*t, dude. But, you know you've received a lot of letters so-
-That's not...

I tried to contradict him, but the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. Did Tweek feel the same way I do when he saw the letters in my locker? My face tensed up more and more.

-You know that other people can love him just as you love him, just as other people love you just as he loves you.

Clyde was right for once. I wasn't supposed to have that mixed feeling of jealousy and worry. I just had to return the letter like a normal person.

Clyde put his hand on my shoulder and we headed for the canteen. Once there, we took our dishes and tried to find our friends' table. Tolkien gave us a little sign that caught our attention, and we sat down at the table. I looked up from my tray to stare straight ahead at Tweek. He always kept that sweet smile on his face.

-Can I talk to you in private for a second?

He seemed confused, and I could see his hands trembling above the table. He nodded and we rose to head outside, where we stood in an unfrequented corner.

I took the letter out of my pocket and handed it to him to take. I could see his cheeks turning crimson red as he stood still.

-I think you dropped this.

His face immediately changed expression, opting for one of embarrassment and quick sadness. He quickly picked up the letter and put it in his backpack, avoiding my gaze.


I placed my hand on the back of my neck, embarrassed.

-No prob. Can I ask you something?
-You're not going to see this person, are you?

We exchanged glances in silence before he frowned.

-Why not?
-You're serious!? I thought we were...I mean...

My face tightened. So he smiled all day that way for this person, it drove me crazy.

-Don't tell me you're jealous? Craig, you know-
-I'm not! You're wrong.

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