sleepovers with them ★

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miles: he would bring the world's biggest junk food collection, he would have almost every popular type of soda and loads of chips, he would start making the sleepover playlist a week ahead to make sure he'd perfect it. his one sleepover rule was no phones, so you two would have a movie night, karaoke, a pillow fight, and miles would let you do some skincare on him if you wanted.

gwen: she would be the one with the most unique taste in music and movies, and shed request a movie marathon although the two of you would only get through one and a half movies before you two fell asleep. she would also want to do some stargazing on your balcony ( you were both loudly laughing since neither of you knew the real names and just made jokes out of some of the shapes, the neighbors would for sure hate the both of you )

pavitr: he would be the person who you only spend time with because of their good energy and the FOOD, if it was at his house then his mom would cook food and otherwise he would bring food from home. he would go to sleep way before everyone else and he'd be the kind of person to sleep through a tidal wave, so it would take a lot of pillows to wake him up in the morning.

hobie: he wouldn't have a schedule but rather a list of about five things each of you HAD to do during the sleepover, and you'd take turns choosing which activity the both of you would have to do. there would be a playlist of you two's spotify blend playing in the background and you two would spend the most time playing board games and throwing random things at each other before he picked you up and threw you onto his shoulder and walked around proudly. 

miguel: he would not even think about calling it a sleepover, it would be a formal night of planning and talking about battle strategies, although he would secretly adore pillow fights because they reminded him of his daughter and they would help him sleep well that night. 

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