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Bell rings

Just in time

Peter Parker makes his way out of the classroom and to the hallway with his bestfriend Ned Leeds.
Today was not a really nice day. Flash has been bothering him since the morning, he forgot to do his homework become of the late night patrol, and on top of that he broke his webshooters doing God knows what.

But one thing was really good today,
It was Saturday.

That means he gets to spend the weekend at the Tower!

Peter has always loved spending his time at the Stark Tower, with the Avengers and especially his Da-Mentor, Tony Stark.
Tony Stark has always been Peter's idol, he loved him. And when he got the 'internship', he was far more than over excited.


Peter made his way to the ravishing black Audi standing at the gateway. He hoped in and was met with an extremely grumpy Chauffeur Happy 'Harold' Hogan.

Happy has always been grumpy and he didn't like a certain rambling kid.
Happy started the car without saying anything and Peter just rambled about his day until they reached the Tower.

"Bye Happy!" Peter chipped as he bid goodbye to the grumpy Chauffeur.
"Don't run Kid" Happy said rolling his eyes. Yes he didn't like the Kid, but that didn't mean he hated him.

Peter wished a quick hi to Amelia the receptionist and entered the elevator.
"Good Morning Junior" Jarvis greeted him as soon as he entered. Yes he called him 'junior' because a certain billionaire changed the settings.
"Hello Jar!" Peter greeted back.

"How was your day?"

"It was good! Crushed my Physics test today!" Peter replied.

"Good job Peter, knew you would do good. Boss will be proud of you, he is in the living room with everyone else. I'll take you there" Jarvis informed him as the elevator was moving.

"Sure Jar!" Peter said excited to meet the team.

After some time, the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened. Peter walked to the couches and was in utter shock at what he saw.
Yes he was excited but he didn't think he would see The God of Mischief himself.
Loki was standing in front of the Avengers backfacing Peter. The team was standing in front of him with arms crossed and a nervous Thor who was scratching the back of his neck.

"How are we supposed to trust him after what he did Thor?"  Said Steve trying to control his anger.
"Please my friends, just give him a chance and he'll prove himself that he isn't a bad person now! He has changed!" Thor huffed.
"I don't think we can trust him, I am not trusting him at all. I mean look at the way he is standing! The posture itself screams 'villian'! " Spoke up Tony.

"Boss I would like to interrupt and tell you that Peter is standind behind Loki and is witnessing all this commotion" Jarvia said making everyone's head turn towards Peter in a snap.

"Uh-uh uhm, h-hey guys..." Peter stuttered nervously, clearly not used to the attention.

"Oh shit!" Tony yelped as he saw Peter waving shyly to the team. Surprisingly Steve didn't say his iconic 'language' this time as he was worried about Peter being in Loki's presence.

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