Tony's Clothes

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"Hey, can you pass me the screwdriver?" Peter asks as he works on a robot.

"I'm not you personal assistant, get it yourself squirt" Tony replies while He works on his suit.

The duo had been in the lab since hours. Tony feels a little guilty as he sees Peter adapting to his bad habits, but at the same time he also feels proud.

Like father, like son

"Really dude?" Peter struggles as he tries to reach for the tool himself.
"Really dude." The billionaire tosses the screwdriver to the kid.

"You know...-" Peter is cut off before he finishes his sentence.
"No I don't know anything kid" Tony will never stop with his dad jokes.

He is not even a dad.

"Please dude"
"Will you stop saying dude?"
"Why should I dude?"
"You're irritating me"
"That was the goal"
"I'm the superior here, don't get on my nerves"
"Do I look like I care dude?"
"Just stop it kid, I'm do-"

The bickering is cut off with a loud grin from a calm scientist. Key word: calm.

"Can you guys please stop?! You have been bickering for like 15 minutes! What are you? 3 years old kids?" Bruce scolds them as he stomps over to the duo, grabs a tool box and goes back to work.

Peter mumbled an apology to the scientist and goes back to work.

"You know..." The kid starts, not being able to hold back.
Tony let's out a sigh. "What?"

"I got a news from a little birdie know Area 51 practically looks like 'Area SI' .
Is that some kind of coincidence or-"

He is once again cut off.

"Well of course it looks like 'SI' , I own it" Tony, like Tony, casually drops the bomb on Peter's head.

And because of the bomb, the teenager's brain faces a turbulence and he accidentally 'messes up' the robot he was working on.

A fountain of oil hits Peter  in the face. He tries to stop it by blocking the source, but the force is too hard.

Tony steps in and puts his hands over the leak and tightens the loose screw.

"Oh my god Peter!!" He exclaims as he pickes Peter up and grabs a towel to clean him up.

"I-i don't...Mr.Stark" Peter let's out a whine as he tries to rub the oil off.(you'd be uncomfortable too bish)

"Let me tub it off, don't bring you hand him between bambi" Tony scolds the kid as he wipes the oil off.

"Okay now open your eyes"

Peter slowly opens his eyes and blinks a few times to adjust to the lightning.

"Gosh you're all dirty, have a bath and change your clothes. Fast!" Tony quickly ushers Peter out of the lab and takes him to the kid's room.

"But I don't have clothes...oh c'mon!" Peter says as he rubs at his face harshly, getting irritated by the oil.

"I'll get you some clothes, you just go and have a bath and- and stop rubbing at your face!" Tony pushes the kid inside the bathroom and leaves to get him some clothes.

After having a nice bath, the kid is now all clean. He gets out off the shower and makes his way towards his bed. There were clothes kept there.

Without thinking, he quickly wears the clothes the billionaire kept for him, and walks out of the room to the lab as he is eager to finish the robot.

Peter walks in and Tony almost has a heart attack.

The hoodie is so huge on him.

Peter was wearing Tony's shorts, which were quite small so they didn't fall down, and his hoodie which was not small at all.

The hoodie engulfed Peter. Either the hoodie was too big, or the kid was too small.
Probably the kid. He's just 14.

"Oh my god Tony, what are you doing at the gate?" Bruce teases the billionaire.
"He looks just like you, oh my god..." Bruce states as he looks at Peter and then at Tony, and again Peter.

"I know right?" Tony mumbles as he stares at his kid.

How the fuck does he look the same. He's probably a doppelganger.

"It's your mini version!" Bruce exclaims as he side-hugs the dazed billionaire.

"Let's start working Mr. Stark" Peter says as he makes his way over to the table.
He tries to pull up the sleeves but fails miserably.

"Ohh..I don't think it fits me" He finally realises as he looks at himself.
"No shit Sherlock" Tony replies as he snaps out of his daze and makes his way towards the mini Tony.

"There is no fault in the sweater, you're just tiny" He says and walks up to Peter, holds his arms out and rolls up the sleeves.

Hey! You're tiny too!" Peter states angrily.

"Totally, like father like son!" Bruce speakes up.
"You're just jealous you don't have a tiny son!" Tony replies to him jokingly.

And believe me when I say, teenagers can not stop giggling.

"Alright kid calm down." Tony looks at him amused, as his saying just increases the kid's laughter.

"Wow..okay, you really need to calm down and give me whatever you're consuming" Tony says, encouraging Peter's laughter.

Too cute for his heart.

Tony pushes the kid on a chair as he was about to loose control and fall down.

Bruce decides to leave the duo, but is stopped by Peter.

"Doctor Bruce?"

"Yeah Pete?"

"I have a biology project to finish, can you help me please?" Peter requests, finally calming down.

"Sure Peter, I would love too"

Well the three of them have fun.
And most importantly, the science trio is formed

"That's not the correct way Mr. Stark"
"That is the correct way, what are you even talking about?"
"Oh my god, and here I thought you were a genius"
"Guys plea-"
"Don't get sassy with me"
"What can I say, I learn from the best"
"Well thank you, thank you"
"I wasn't talking about you"
"Guys c'mon..."
"I was talking about Bucky dude"
"You take that back!!"

And some 'bickering' too.

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